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The said man was jolted up from his sleep. His eyes were wide open. He saw his mother stand at the edge of his bed holding a spatula and a pan. She was ready to hit the pan with the spatula again if his son didn't wake up yet.

"I'm up Mom..I'm up.." He said while yawning.

"I'm so tired to wake you up like this every day Gem..when will you can responsible to your self, huh? Today was the first day of your short term class. Go get your ass up and get ready!! I give you ten minutes!!" His mother, Ning, were rambling at his only son with still holding the spatula in her hand.

"Huh?? Ten minutes?? that's not enough for me to discharge everything from my stomach.." Gemini protest but he did walking to the bathroom.

"Twelve minutes then!!" His mom yelled from outside.

Huh? Was she kidding? Gemini took a fast shower and wear his uniform. After he got ready, he walked downstairs to have breakfast with his parents.

"Morning Dad, Morning Mom.." He greeted them.

"Morning Gem..let's have breakfast.." His father, Dan, gestured him to sit. Ning just nodded at her son.

They ate breakfast in silent. Gemini's parents weren't the kind of person who likes to talk while eating. Actually, they never chit chatting a lot in the house. Gemini's dad, Dan is a super busy businessman. He rarely at home because of so many business trip that he do. And Ning, is a typical socialite woman. But they never neglecting their only child. They always monitored his grade and what he did. 

Fortunately, Gemini was the kind of person who did not really enjoy partying. He did have a lot of friends, just friends not a best friend. Because he knew that sometimes they took him for granted. They always after him because of his money and status. So for him, he was better not to have a close friend in the college to spend time with. 

Nevertheless, he only had one person that so closed to him who is like an older brother to him. His name was Mix. Gemini met Mix in his mother charity occasion three years ago. Mix was his mother caterer that day. Mix saw Gemini sulking in the corner of the hall alone so he approached him and gave him a glass of wine. They talked for a while and Gemini felt like he found something that had been missing in his life. From that day, Gemini looked at Mix as his older brother that always understood him in any way. Whether if his strength or his weakness.

And his weakness was he didn't like wake up early and always love to sleep. That's why his mother always mad at him every morning just to wake him up. For study, he wasn't a stupid student or a late learner, but he just don't really like studying his major. He prefer to learn music than business. But his father never let him to choose that path. So here he was, sitting in the last row of the class waiting for the professor to come. 

The professor he really dislike the most. He used a glasses  and always frowning to everyone. Never in his university life that he saw him smiling. He didn't know him at first because when he was a freshman, he didn't get his class. And after he got his class, he realized that what everybody said was true. He had the stern and strict aura  and never smile. But Gemini had to admit that the professor was indeed a genius. 


"Nattawat..I'm really sorry, I got this sudden news that my husband had an accident. So I asked for a long leave to the dean..and he approved it." Fourth was smiling at Mink, the other lecturer and sad it's okay.

It should be her short term class for this semester. But now it became his because she had to take a leave due to her husband condition. He didn't want it at first but no one is capable in this subject beside him and Mink. 

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