Prologue (Origin)

Start from the beginning

Y/N:"Hey... Mayday..?"

"You see, even though I'm not the popular type, I'm not really a loser as well. I usually hang with my friends whom are..."

Mayday:"Don't Mayday me! Anya, Tyrone and I have been waiting for you for twenty minutes now!"

Y/N:"Huh? Why were you guys waiting?"

"Tyrone and Anya... Tyrone was a new guy at the school, he's been here for a week or two. When he first came he was all alone and I just didn't want that, turns out he was pretty cool. Anya? Knew her before highschool."

Mayday:"Us, donuts, rings any bell?"

Y/N then remembered something he promised he wouldn't forget.

Y/N:"Crap, we're hanging out."

Mayday:"Just... Be quick."

Y/N heard the girl's disappointment through the phone and hung up the phone before turning back to the Shocker.

Y/N:"You hear that? Even saving the world is not enough of a reason."

He then heard noises coming from the villain and walked to him, he ripped off the web and let the villain talk.

Shocker:"Stopping a robbery isn't exactly saving the world, is it?"

Y/N stared blankly at Shocker, even though the villain couldn't see his real eyes, he felt it. He gave the hero a weird smile only for him to web his mouth again.

Y/N:"You lost uour freedom of speech with that one."

Y/N then felt a hand on his shoulder and saw that it was Spider-Man. Spider-Man looked at the boy and spoke.

Spider-Man:"You can go kid, I'll let the police know that they can get in."

Y/N nodded and gave Spider-Man a two finger salute before running out of the bank and swinging off.

"I can't always balance my life, at one side, I have my mother, my friends and at the other side, I have Spider-Man and the whole city of Queens."

Random civilian:"Look it's Spider-Boy!"

A civilian shouted as they saw Y/N swing by. Y/N gave the guy a peace sign and kept swinging.

Hotdog seller:"Catch Spider-Boy!"

The man threw a hotdog to Y/N, which he caught and looked back.

"You see that guy, I saved him from some drunk guys before. Whatever good you do, it always comes back to you in Queens."

Spider-Boy:"Thanks man!"

The hotdog guy only nodded and waved at him as Spider-Boy took a bite and started swinging again.

"You see, I love being Spider-Man's sidekick but sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I was normal."

Y/N landed between two buildings and ripped off his bag from the wall. He then opened the bag and took of his clothes before taking off his hoodie and sweatpants. Y/N put on his regular clothes and ran out, to the school.

When he reached school, he saw his friends waiting in front of it, the first one to see him was Tyrone who raised his hands and shouted.

Tyrone:"Hey man!"

This made the girls turn towards where Tyrone was looking. When they saw Y/N, they had different reactions.

Anya smiled and waved, Y/N waved back at her. Mayday on the other hand looked really annoyed, she walked towards the boy and pulled his ear.

Y/N:"Ow, ow, ow!"

Mayday:"We told you, not to forget and you promised! We've been waiting for twenty minutes Y/N you better have a good reason!"

The redhead was scolding the boy, making the other two friends laugh. Tyrone quickly took his phone out and took a picture of the moment with Anya just smiling at her friends interaction.

Y/N:"I know. I'm sorry!"

Y/N pleaded Mayday to stop. The redhead stared at him with a pout and pulled a little harder, making Y/N winced in pain. He mouthed his friends to help, which they shook their head, with Anya also sticking her a tongue out.

Y/N:"Did I tell you how cute you look today?"

His word made the redheaded girl blush in embarrassment, she quickly let go of Y/N's ear, making him run behind Tyrone. When Mayday processed what happened, she stared at Y/N angrily, making him stick his tongue out.

Anya:"Come on guys, donuts can wait by I can't."

And with that, they started walking with Y/N still hiding behind Tyrone, just in case.

Tyrone:"Watched the match?"

Y/N:"You have to be more specific."

Tyrone looked at Y/N weirdly before showing him the man that was standing on the sidewalk. He was waiting for the lights to turn green.

Tyrone:"USMNT against Canada."

Y/N:"I did!"

That's a lie, Y/N was too busy beating thugs and webbing them on walls. He also helped an elderly lady to her home since it was late at night.

Anya:"Hey! Include us into the conversation!"

Mayday:"Yeah! Talk about something interesting at least!"

Y/N and Tyrone turned to the girl, offended. Y/N had his hand on the left side of his chest while Tyrone had his hand on his mouth.

Y/N:"Excuse me!?"

Tyrone:"Soccer is the most interesting sport you can watch!"

Mayday and Anya stared at each other before shrugging. Mayday then spoke.

Mayday:"Why do you even talk about soccer when you can talk about-"

Her words were cut off by Y/N who finished her sentence before her.

Y/N:"Science? No thanks!"

Mayday looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

Mayday:"I wasn't going to say science!"

Y/N:"Yes you were! You're the smarty here!"

Mayday:"No I'm not!"

The girl's face was getting red because of madness, Y/N in other hand didn't care since he knew he was right.

Y/N:"Yes you are, you're the only one with a perfect note in science."

Mayday:"It's not my fault that you're dumb!"

Y/N:"Excuse me?!"

They were nearly head to head at the point. Anya and Tyrone sighed and Anya separated them with her words.

Anya:"Guys! We're here! Come on!"

They entered the shop and picked their donuts. The friend group sat at the window side and when each of them took a bite, happiness was the only word they got.

Tyrone:"Man Stan got the best donuts!"

Anya nodded in pleasure as Mayday spoke.

Mayday:"Nothing and I mean nothing can beat Stan's donuts!"

Y/N shook his head and spoke.

Y/N:"Stan's milkshakes can!"

Anya:Let's just agree on nothing beats Stan!"

The friend group nodded.


"But no matter what I want..."

Y/N excused himself to the bathroom and quickly changed to his suit. He used the bathroom window to get out and when he landed in front of the Donut shop, he saw someone he never saw before...


"Or what I need... With great power, comes great responsibility... And this is mine."

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