Stealing the Show

Start from the beginning

"Luke! Y/n! get back to work this is no time to talk" Sofia the acro teacher says to them.

"Sorry" They mumble and go back to working on there skills. 


*Upstairs with the moms* 

Christi: Now they are doing acro! One of my daughters is in ballet now, she just finished acro and the other in starting acro!

Holly: Yes can you believe it?

Christi: We are supposed to be competing tomorrow with new solos, and she needs to get these kids who are dancing tomorrow to rehearsing their solos. 

Christi: It's 7:30! and my kid is complaining about how she can't do a walkover without putting a giant disk in her mouth!

Holly: I know, it's the night before the competition.

*Interview with Abby*

I am in the middle of teaching an acrobatic class and the moms have no faith in their children, which saddens me, I have more faith than they do.

They want their kids to practice, practice, practice, on their solos that they are going to get on stage and do for two minutes and thirty seconds.

*Interview over*

Kelly: So she is going to get on stage and not preform very well, when she is the youngest age in the category and she has no music. 

Christi: And she hasn't had any super secret privates.

Holly: when are we going to start running dances, we need to get started.

Kelly: You know what guys, I am going down and getting Paige and telling her to run her solo.

Christi: Good and then we can put Brooke in Nia in and I will bring up the rear ends!

Holly: I like that attitude.

Kelly: It's ridiculous.


Y/n's Pov: 

After everyone was done we were sitting in the dancers den with Ms. Abby when all of the moms came in. 

"Are they going to be able to continue running their solos with you Abby?" Holly asked 

"Maddie have a half hour private with her tap teacher today, Chloe came in today and Emma worked with her, Y/n came in and worked on her own-" Ms. Abby says grabbing my arm and shanking me around. 

"Yeah but Chloe is learning a new solo and y/n you said it 'Worked on her own'" Mommy says. 

"There is no way that because she ran it twice to new music that she is going to be able to compete on Saturday" Holly said 

"Is this preparation for an audition? Yes, Is this good for them? Yes" Ms. Abby says getting up and walking out the room. 

"Still not rehearsing" My mom says and I walk up to her.

"Mom?" I say 

She looks at me, and notices I look like I am about to cry. She grabs my hand and we walk to the conner of the room and sit down. 

"What's wrong y/n? Don't cry" She says 

"I'm not ready to do it" I say hugging her and letting out small sobs

"Your going to do great ok? Don't worry, we are going to go home and sleep then we are going to get up get on the bus and win the competition," she said and I nodded.

*Interview with Christi*

Abby may think that she is helping these girls but we all know that the only one she wants to help is Maddie, and I think that they are seeing that as well.

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