chapter 2 - AI images

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(a month later fron ch. 1)
You just woke up, your alarm rung 10 minutes ago but you were so tired last night from binging melanie martinez videos. You wake up excited, because in about 5 hours your going to see Melanie Martinez herself live on tour! You knew the concert was in so long, but you were so excited that you decided to prepare your outfit right now. You picked an amazing outfit you thought was perfect! After preparing you're outfit, you went to get ready for the day. You got your clothes for around the house, and went to the bathroom to get ready. You got your paste and put it on your toothbrush, but as you started brushing your teeth, you remember that you got V.I.P tickets! You got even more excited, you were going to meet Melanie Martinez herself! You quickly got ready and ran to the kitchen in excitement. You prepared and ate breakfast, and listen to portals while drawing Melanie Martinez related things in your sketchbook.
**** (An hour later) ****
You were just on your phone, siting in the couch. You were bored and really had nothing to do, so you just sat there for a moment. You weren't sad though, because you had your concert coming up  in just 3 hours! Thinking about this made you extremely happy, even less bored! You decided to watch some Melanie interviews because you thought it might cure you're boredom. You see theres no new ones, so you rematch the most recent one. The same one you watched last month. Watching it, you still wondered why she was upset. You didn't really think about it, because its a month later. The sadness probably has passed. Plus, she has a performance today!
**** (three hours later) ****
30 minutes left till the concert! You ran back to your room and put on the outfit that you prepared this morning. You check the clock, 20 minutes till the concert! You quickly go to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. After eating, you decide to listen to your 4 favorite songs from portals, because thats what fit in 20 minutes.
**** (20 minutes later, at the building for the concert) ****
You have never been more excited, you were going to see Melanie Martinez herself! You got earlier than most others, because you had V.I.P. You needed to be early for the Meet&Greet! You were the first to see her, so you got so excited! No waiting or anything! You walk up to where team told you to, but you see that noone is there. You see a large screen infront of you, then team explains you dont actually get to see her. Your just getting AI images with the creature. You got a bit upset, but still super happy. You love Melanie, so anything is good enough!

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