162 4 6

August 25,2017


"She woke up yet?" I asked the nurse who was sitting behind the desk. She shook her head no "Unfortunately, no" She said as she stopped typing and made eye contact with me.

I sighed and looked to the side. "But hey, I'm sure she'll be fine, she seems like a strong girl" She said with a smile. "Yea, yea she is" I said softly. She cleared her throat "well, do you want me to take these to her room orr??" She asked referring to the flowers I bought.

"Nah, I'll take em, I wanted to see her before I left anyway" I said. She nodded and handed me the flowers. I took the flowers in my hands and walked to Chanel's room.

I entered her room and sat the flowers on the table then sat in the chair next to her bed. "Hey Cc" I said as I took her hand into mine. Not hearing her respond just broke me. I sighed "cmon C, we need you back" I said trying my best not to cry.

I brung her hand up to my lips placing a small kiss. "I'm sorry" I whispered as I rested my forehead on her hand. "It's gonna take more than just an apology" I heard a familiar Voice say.

I looked up at Chanel but she was still unconscious, I turned around to the door and seen Royal in the doorway. "Royal?!?" I said surprised to see her. "Nick..." She said looking away from me and to Chanel.

I stood from the chair and walked towards her trying to give her a hug but she moved away. I raised my eyebrow. "Don't even try it" She said holding her hand up.

I sighed already knowing what this was about. "The girls told me the situation between you and Nel" She said folding her arms. I slid my hand down my face and looked to the side.

"Ight, look I'm sorry, I was acting like an a**-" She cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "Yea you were, How could you even think that Chanel would try to kill you hm? I mean seriously it doesn't even make sense" She said.

"I mean the least you could have done was spoke to her about the problem instead of treating her like a piece of sh- and let's not forget putting your hands on her like she was a dang man" She spat. "I know, dang I'm sorry-" I said with her cutting me off once again.

"Your sorry doesn't mean sh- to me alright, look at my sister, look at her...now you tell me if you think an apology is gonna fix this" She said. I stayed quiet for a minute.

"Look, I don't know any other way to fix this ight? I can't just snap my fingers and wake her up!" I spat. "I ain't mean for this sh- to happen to her, " I said.

She made eye contact with me and scoffed "I knew you were stupid but I didn't think you were that stupid" She said shaking her head. "I-" I cut myself off this time. "Just move" She said pushing me out the way.

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