"Fine," I give in and walk up the hill back to the crash site, "But I will be making no promises to be civil." Musa laughs and Stella pats my shoulder, I hear her gasp which is when I realised that my neck was exposed I hurriedly turn away from her and move my curls back over the marks. As we all walked over to the Specialists Stella continued to look over to me, I feared the worst, I think she saw the marks. She was the last person I wanted knowing, I love her to death but oh my god she is a gossip.

Stella explains why we came back to Prince Sky, he doesn't seem convinced but Brandon manages to get him on board. I try and stay as far away from Riven as humanly possible. Tecna found Timmy by the crashed plane and Stella was following Prince Sky around like a lost dog. It slightly annoyed me, but I was almost impressed with how persistent she was. Besides, Prince Sky didn't seem mind, he liked the attention. 

"The impact knocked out the stabilizers," I hear Tecna explain to Timmy. I slowly walk over to them as Musa continues.

"And whoever did that must've dealt with the handcuffs too," Musa explains, I shake my head, butting into the conversation, mainly because I saw Riven heading this way.

"From what I can tell," I call out, jogging over, "They're a psychic lock, the person who unlocked them must have some form of mental or mind powers." I was getting nervous as Riven approached. My hand reached for my hair and I pulled the curls over my neck. Just as I smelt his imposing cologne Bloom found something.

"Hey, the trolls footprints!" Bloom calls out, we all hurry over, "Do you notice anything about them?" We all look at the trail. I felt Riven behind me still 

"Yeah, that guy has feet the size of an ocean liner," Stella remarks, we all giggle, but as I take a closer look, I realize what Bloom was hinting at.

"Huge feet that leave no prints," I think outloud, "See, the become less and less visible until they completely disappear." As we looked further out into the woods, the footprint trail gradually vanished into nothingness. It's impossible for a troll to achieve weightlessness naturally, they can't cast spells nor are they inherently talented at climbing, besides, there would be evidence of his smudged footprints in the dirt if he managed to climb a tree.

"But the ground is still soft, how do you explain that?" Flora asks, pushing her own foot into the mud, leaving a print. Now I was sure a spell had been cast, if Flora's dainty foot could leave a print, there was no chance a trolls could magically vanish.

"It's like he slowly achieves weightlessness," I say.

"Sounds like a flying spell," Stella remarks, I nod in agreement but Musa shakes her head.

"Trolls can't cast spells," She huffs, I raise an eyebrow.

"Who said it had to be the troll?" I say, everyone looks at me confused, "Someone must've helped him. The attack was from the outside, the handcuffs were unlocked, and it looks as though he can cast a flying spell. This isn't troll behavior as Musa pointed out, so he must've had some help," I sigh and everyone around is in silent agreement. Before we can take a second breath, someone starts slowly and sarcastically clapping. My eyes narrow in the direction where Riven was stood. He looked at me with a scowl and slowly walked towards me.

"Cleaver girl," Riven mocks, "But I don't think you're right. He could've swung from the branches to cover his tracks," He nods his chin forward at some branches, I roll my eyes.

"And how do you propose the frail, brittle swamp branches hold his weight and not snap immediately?" I scoff. Riven shrugs and leans over me his tall frame against mine.

"More believable than a flying troll, Princess," he smirks down at me, I roll my eyes. He stands up and gathers the boys around him, "We're going in, feel free to keep an eye on the clouds in case your troll is up there," He laughs I would've shouted something, but I had wasted enough of my breath on him. Brandon gives Bloom an apologetic look as the boys all follow Riven into swamp, their footprints leaving a trail in the mud.

"Dickhead," I mutter under my breath, Stella pats my shoulder again as I adjust my curls. We all watch as the boys reached the end of the tracks and they stand there for a moment, Riven decides they should all turn right, no one wants to argue with him and I don't blame them, he was such an arrogant prick, had to be right all the time, and always in charge. Slowly, they faded into the forest.

"I really do believe the troll is in there," Flora says, nervous, "We should start from the tracks and turn left, seeing as the specialists turned right," She smiled, I folded my arms across my chest and clenched my jaw. I still thought we should mind our own business and get on with our assigned task, but these girls are do-gooders, nothing inherently wrong with that, its just inconvenient that I want kill one of the people they want to help.

"Good idea! The specialists may say they don't need our help, but what do they know?" Stella smiles as she walks into the forest, the girls all follow her into the tree line, they turn around and look at me expectantly. I was almost going to protest and beg them to just leave it. But I had never liked begging. So I rolled my eyes and walked with them.

"Don't call them the specialists, there's nothing special about them," I huff, "Let's just get this over with." We walk into the trees, turning left where the boys turned right.I couldn't help myself, I looked behind me, hoping to see Riven and the boys. Somewhere in a very small section of my heart, I cared about them. Not Riven, I could never care about him.

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