chapter 1

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Yo chapter 1 is here!!!!!!

Touma Kamijou had always been an ordinary high school student aside from his unique ability to cancel out all forms of supernatural powers with his Imagine Breaker. However one day he woke up to find himself with a completely new set of powers that he had never imagined before.

As he got out of bed he noticed that his arms were pulsing with an electric energy that he had never seen before. Suddenly he felt a rush of excitement and power as he realized that he had gained the abilities of BoBoiBoy the popular cartoon character.

But even with this newfound power Touma never forgot his role as a defender of normalcy and soon found himself facing a new foe. However this time he wasn't alone – he had the help of his new power.

As he stepped out into the world he was met with a villain that was using supernatural powers to create chaos and destruction in the midst of the city and in the middle of the night. Touma knew that it was time for action and he merged his Elemental powers with his Imagine Breaker.

With a confident grin Touma charged and landed a powerful blow that sent the villain flying. He was amazed at the sheer force of his new powers which gave him an even stronger sense of determination and power.

As he fought Touma felt something new – a sense of excitement.

In the end Touma emerged victorious and As he walked away he could still feel the electric energy pulsing through his veins but more than that he was filled with a sense of gratitude that he could use his new powers to bring hope and peace to the world.

"I may have gained new powers but I'll never forget to use them for good Touma said aloud.

He then walked back to where his apartment was and head inside to sleep.

Time skip.

Kamijou Touma sat in the school cafeteria with his friends Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Aogami Pierce. As they chatted over their lunch.

"I've been feeling really strange lately Kamijou said poking at his rice with his chopsticks.

Tsuchimikado furrowed his brow. "What do you mean kami-yan?"

Kamijou replied looking a bit serious. " there is this strange energy is building up inside me and there's nothing I can do to control it."

Aogami leaned forward curiously. "What sort of energy are you talking about man?"

"It's hard to describe" Kamijou admitted rubbing his forehead. "It's like this incredible power that wants to burst out of me. Like I'm holding back a storm or something."

Tsuchimikado nodded thoughtfully. "I see........"

Kamijou looked at tsuchimikado and aogami and ask."do you guys know what's happening to me?"

Tsuchimikado shrugged and aogami just grinned and said."maybe your just horny"

Kamijou looked at aogami with a annoyed look "shut up I don't want to hear that from the guy!! Who has all of the fetishes in the world!!!!.

Aogami then replied with a."what do you mean I have all of the fetishes in the world!!!"

As aogami and touma began to argue
The students in the cafeteria has a face
That says yep this happens all the timeas they look at touma and aogami arguing.And as the two argue a girl with a big bazongkas-i mean a girl suddenly walk to the two and punch them both touma in the stomach and aogami in the face.

Aogami stumbled back holding his bleeding nose while Touma groaned in pain as he clutched his  stomach.fokiyose Seire's expression was stern as she scolded them "I can't believe you two are causing such a ruckus in front of all the other students. Can't you be more considerate and keep your voices down?"

Aogami rubbed his nose and tried to defend himself "Hey Seire-chan Touma here was being noisy first! He shouldn't have provoked me like that!"

Touma winced and retorted back "What are you talking about? You started it by making those explosive sounds with your mouth and causing all the students to turn and look at us!"

Fokiyose's patience was wearing thin and she glared at both of them "Enough! I don't want to hear any more excuses from either of you. You both need to learn to control your behavior and be more respectful to everyone else around you."

As she turned to walk away Aogami mumbled under his breath "Man she's scarier than I thought." Touma just groaned and held his stomach realizing he had learned his lesson to not mess with fokiyose.

Time skip.

He walked the bridge that led him to his home. As he approached the middle of the bridge he saw a familiar figure - it was Misaka Mikoto the Railgun.

However as he got closer he noticed a group of rogue espers surrounding her. One of them was about to attack her but Kamijou quickly intervened. He then raised his hands and bring it back down as yellow lightning drop on the rogue espers who got electricuted then collapse.

"Thanks for your help" Misaka said as she looked at Kamijou with a mix of surprise and admiration.

"It was nothing" Kamijou replied as he noticed that the feeling he has earlier disappeared."well I should get going"

Touma kamijou then walked past misaka as he did misaka ask him a question.

Mikoto ask."do you have a girlfriend!?"

No I'm just joking take 2.

Mikoto ask with a curious look."w-what is your name...?"she asked with a small blush in her face.

Touma then replied."Tony"

No no I'm just joking again take 3.

Touma replied with a smile."touma touma kamijou"he said as he left.

Misaka just look at touma leaving figure."touma kamijou huh..."

Misaka just stood in the middle of the
Bridge clutching her chest as her face was getting red she then turn around and walk towards her dorm if she stays here further the dorm manager may know about her going out late at night.

Well that was it so what do you think
Was this better than the last one or was
The last one better?

Vote here which is better.



Well bye!!!!!!

a certain magical index Touma with another powerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon