"Well... that's my cue. See ya Yuri." He said as he readies to jump off the roof.

"Yea. Good luck Spidey." She said wishing him luck.

"And one more thing... you were right." He said getting her attention.

"About what?" She asked curiously.

"That jacket does look good on you." He said before jumping off and firing a web line and swinging into the city.

Yuri was left dumbfounded by his admission. Did he just... complement her for her style... he'd make these silly little comments all the time but they were never something... personal like that.

Yuri had a slight pink hue form under her cheeks that were quickly dispersed of as the cold air brought the heat on her face down. She made her way back inside as she recomposed herself and resumed her tedious work.

But every so often her mind would draw back to what Spider-Man had said before he left, it was an oddly personal comment to make and although he was accustomed to making some jibe or remark... this was different. Not just by her reaction to it but the way he said it.

It was genuine... sincere... it wasn't just a regular passing comment that anyone would normally make. Maybe she was just thinking about it too much... thinking too deeply about it and trying to figure out if there was deeper meaning behind his words.

Yuri cast her intrusive thoughts aside for the moment, she had worked a full day and even as dedicated as she was, she too needed to sleep, she could rarely feel the effects of her exhaustion from a hard day's labour so it was no shock the she didn't feel the least bit tired. But nonetheless she needed a rest so she lacked up her things and left for her apartment to sleep for the night.

The following days were much more of the same, she would be working on her cases, Spider-Man would make an appearance with some supervillain hot on his tail, he beat them and send them her way, she'd go back to her original work before taking refuge on the station rooftop once more only for Spider-Man to conveniently swing by and see how she's doing.

She felt like he was stalking her at one point with how frequent he caught meandering on the roof, yes it was one of the only times the two actually met up but lately the last few days he seemed to catch her every... single... time.

She almost hated it, but each time he swung by he always managed to make things personal. He's start by talking about some crimes he's stopped or what case she was working on, then he'd pivot right into some personal territory that made her slightly uncomfortable.

She was never the 'open' type. She kept a close lid on about her life outside the office, Jean was a slight exception as she was a close friend and knew some details of her personal life that others were unaware of. But for the most part she didn't have a wide friend group, mostly keeping to herself due to failed last relationships.

But also due to some trust issues she accumulated from her fathers dirty dealings. He accepted bribes and tarnished the uniform that he wore... the one she wears... she wanted to make things right, but unfortunately at the cost of maintaining any good strong relationships with anyone outside her mother.

Jean was a... good friend... she had a certain personality that Yuri just couldn't hate, or get rid of. So she was privy to certain aspects of her life. It was no secret the dealings her father had made but beyond that Jean was the only one who knew some of the finer details... like what it did to her family.

Honoka was devastated, the news of her husbands arrest broke the poor woman down almost completely. She stayed strong however for Yuri's sake, she couldn't fall and let Yuri be the one to suffer for it.

Peter/Yuri OneShotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن