ابدأ من البداية

"It sure was" he said smilling softly which I returned

With a blank of an eye it was January 24th a day befor I meet up with Severus, which I could with honestly slipped my mind until 3 days ago, and I've been panicking since

"Marv, I can see you worrying the past few days what's wrong" came Tomarus' voice


"Even a blind man can tell that you're lying, so now seat down and tell me what's wrong" he said patting down in the spot next to him

"Ugh, fine you noisy man, if you must know"

"A little bit of curiosity never kills anyone"

"A little of curiosity is what goy a lot of people killed man child"

"Ooooh, dodging the conversation now are we" he said while raising both of his eyebrows up and down

"I am not"

"Yes you are"

"Am not"

"You are, what do you call this? Huh?" He said while gesturing between us

"Am not, it just it flew completely off my head that I had to meet with Severus tomorrow and I'm panicking because, I don't want him to reject me, which he probably will because no body like the cold blooded Slytherin prince"

"Stop it Marv don't talk about yourself like that, if he rejects you, his loss. Plus I feel like there's nothing to worry about"

"How do you know?"

"A parent's gut I guess, now got to sleep so you could well rested for tomorrow, I'll wake you up when it's approaching the time you need to head back to the orphanage"

"Thanks Tomarus"

"Anytime my dear" he said while kissing me on the crown of my head

That's one of the things that changed recently both Tomarus and Wilson have been calling me "my dear" "sweetheart" "my lovely son" or "Marv" and I honestly don't know how to feel, but I feel safe and welcome. I quite like my dads.

Today is the 25th, today is the day that my suppose mate either rejects me or accept, I've been waiting here in muggle London without knowing if he's coming or not.

I never got an owl back, but I still showed up anyways. What if he didn't receive it? What if he doesn't want to know me? Ugh.... what if the letter got in the hand of the wrong person?

'Sigh' I feel so bloody stupid, I should probably leave after a couple, might as well get back to learning how to weild a sword from Wilson.

Checking the time once more I decided to be on my merry way to Riddle mansion. while paying for the cake I noticed Severus walking in, but he doesn't notice me or just doesn't recognize me. He looked around for a bit, then found a table at a far corner where it's not really visible that gives off a sense of privacy

'Merlin, he actually showed up, I'm not sure what to do now, do I just go back where he's at? Act like I just got here? No, that won't do. I guess I'll just go there and a act natural'

Walking towards him, I put my hands on the table he was sitting in and said

"Hello Snape"


"Ah yes, I guess my appearance changed a bit"

"A bit you say, I barely recognize you"

Grindelwald Son & Grandsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن