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We made it to the music room, but Clara was sobbing uncontrollably as she sat in the corner and Han and Bangchan tried to comfort her.

Hyunjin came up to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Are you ok? Were you hurt?"

"Badly." I muttered under my breath sarcastically. He sighed and turned to the others.

"How did you guys know I was here- ow!" He said as he got his on the back of his head by my palm. He stumbled and turned back to me. "I told you to stay, why don't you ever listen?" I shouted at him.

"Hey, save this love fight for later, alright?" Felix said before Hyunjin got a comeback. I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Wait, where I.N and Clarity?" Seungmin asked.

As if on que, I.N entered the room along with Clarity, puffing and panted as he closed the door.

"Ok, now that everyone is here, we need to go." Han said, standing up from her spot.

"Go where exactly?" Hyunjin asked.

"The roof, that's the only place with no zombies." He answered, "we have to get there before the album finishes."

Suddenly, everything went quiet. No footsteps. No growling. No music.

Everyone muttered under their breath curse words and most of us slumped down to the floor.

"I.N." Clara said, her voice breaking from her previous crying, "you have a bite." 

Everyone glance at him and he looked down at his arm and Clarity shook her head. "No, he wasn't bit, I was with him the whole time." She said.

"Clarity, move away from him." Lee Know said sternly.

"No, Duri bit him and he wasn't a zombie." Clarity yelled, holding I.N's arm and stepping in front of him.

"I.N, did he bite you?" Hyunjin asked and I.N nodded hesitanly. Hyunjin sighed and took a step back and swallowed nervously. "Duri was bitten. By multiple of them."

"Bullshit! He may have looked like one but he was fighting back!" Clarity bellowed.

"I saw him! I saw the zombies rushing over to kill him in the library!" Hyunjin yelled back. That's the first time I've ever heard him yell.

"So if Duri is a zombie, then I.N is going to turn into one too." Seungmin said. 

"I.N is not going to turn into one of them!"

The zombies banged on the door making us all jump. 

Clarity sighed. "Duri wasn't a zombie and that's the last time I'm saying that."

"Hyunjin, are you sure Duri was attacked?" Han asked and Hyunjin nodded.

"So I'm going to turn into one?" I.N asked quietly.

"No, you're not." Clarity said and looked at everyone else and pulled I.N over to the window. "If he does change, I'll throw him out, alright?"

Everyone murmured in response and turned away from the pair, but Hyunjin kept a glare on them both.

"Kill me if I ever seem strange." I.N told Clarity. Shee swallowed but nodded.

A few minutes late, we were all sitting down on chairs or even on the floor and Clarity and I.N still at the window.

We all sat in silence, but Clara was still sniffing in the corner. 

Suddenly, Hyunjin stood up and ran over to Clarity and I.N, but Clarity held him back. "What are you doing? He's going to bite you!" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"He's fine now, look."

My gaze went to I.N who was leaning against the window sill with his head in his hands. He did look sort of strange if you asked me..

"Yeah, with his head low and hand up at his eyes, he looks fine to me." Hyunjin said sarcastically and when to charge at I.N again, but  Clarity dragged him back. "Hyunjin, he's fine, leave it to me." She said and walked back over to I.N. "If he ever does change, he'll be the first to bite me and you're safe." She said and sat back down in the chair.

Hyunjin was still not convinced so Felix went over to calm him down. "I.N would have blood on his mouth if he bit Clarity." He said calmly, "he doesn't."

Hyunjin sighed and walked back over to our little group.

"Put the music stand down." I told him sternly, but of course, he held it tightly in his grip. I marched over to him to snatch it off him, but he threw it across the floor. "Felix is right, and there isn't any wound on Clarity so he's fine."

"I wanted to bite her." I.N spoke up. "I'm not ok."

Clarity glanced up at him. "What do you mean?"

"I wanted to bite you." He repeated. "I shouldn't stay with you guys." He said and made his way to the door but Seungmin grabbed his wrist. 

"I.N, wait." Clarity said, getting up from her spot and walking over to Hyunjin. "You saw Duri get bitten yeah?"

"For last time, yes I did." Hyunjin sighed.

"But did you see him change?"

Hyunjin went quiet and looked at the ground. "No, I didn't."

"And you and I.N really fought him?" Lee Know asked. I.N nodded. "Well there's no reason for any of you to lie about it, maybe Duri was bitten, but wasn't affected by it."

"What the hell are you saying?" Hyunjin asked, rolling his eyes.

"Like in the movies, there are always people half human half creature." Han spoke up.

"But still, he tried to bite her." Clara said, stepping forward to get her argument in. "We can't pretend that he's fine."

"Please, stop fighting!" I.N cried, making everyone go quiet. "Leaving will solve everything." He added then got out of Seungmin's grip and walked towards the door, but I ran over to stop him and held his hand. "Ji-a's hands were cold before she turned." I announced and turned back to everyone else. "I.N's hands are warm, so let's just shut up and talk about how we're going to get on the roof."

"No!" Clara yelled.


"No way, zombies killed my parents and my brother! The only people I had left! And now they're gone!" She sobbed, the tears coming back to her. "I don't want to be in a room with him, even if you say he isn't one of them."

Everyone stayed still and silent, until Clarity ripped a piece of material off her jacket and walked over to I.N and me and gave the material to me. 

"Tie this around mine and his wrists." She told me and looked up, "that way I'll prove to you he isn't one of them."

"Clarity-." I.N started but she cut him off.

"Don't say anything." She said as I began to tie the material around them.

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