Chapter 3: Tennis shoes

Start from the beginning

"I won't, i'll be fine."

"Text me when you get there safely."

I'm going to follow her anyway.

"I will, okay. Stop being protective, i'll be fine."

I smile gently and she scrunches her nose before walking down the pathway and gets into his car.

He doesn't even open the door for her.

I wait until they drive off before i get into my toyota pickup truck and follow them.

I have Elena's location so i'm just following that because she would notice my car.

I pull up in-front of 'Sneakys' which is a local restaurant.

I watch as they sit in a booth infront of the window. I slyly walk into the restaurant and sit on the very far end away from them in the darkened corner.

She giggles at something probably fucking idiotic he said. She doesn't deserve him. He's a huge dick but has a small one.

He pours glasses of some type of wine, underaged, imto two glasses.

"Don't take the drink, don't take it." I whisper to myself.

He lifts it up to her and she shakes her head.

Good girl.

He offers again and she still declined. I'm about to beat this guys ass.

Their date goes smoothly and neither pulls any nasty tricks. Elena excused herself and gets up coming my direction.

Oh fuck oh fuck.

I look away from her and i hear her heels clunking past me. They pause and then clunk again.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" She whisper yells hitting my shoulder.


I look at her unsure what to say.

"Uh i'm enjoying a nice drink of water."

"Where me and my date are? Seriously i can not believe this. Actually i can, your annoying."

"Just go home." I roll my eyes.

"You go home!"

"Not until you go home."

"Did Enzo put you up to this?"

I stay silent.

"God of course both of you did this, vaffanculo."

"Fuck you too, Elena."

"Is there a problem?" Trevor asks wrapping his arm around Elena's shoulder.

I get up and push his arm off her.

"What the fuck, Charlie? Why are you here?" Trevor glares.

"Enjoying some water."

"I'm sure you have water at your house."


"What? I don't speak french."

"It's italian you fucking idiot."

"You don't look italian."

"You don't look seventeen."


"What the fuck is that?"

"The word you said before."

I look at Elena as she looks purely disgusted. By me or Trevor i don't know.

"We've going." I grab Elena's hand and pull us out the restaurant to my car.

She huffs crossing her arms and looking out the window ignoring me.

"I was making sure you were safe, Elena."

Ignores me.


"Go away."

I groan as i'm frustrated.

I pull up back at the house where Enzo is home now. Elena gets out my car and slams the door.

"Don't slam the door."

"I can't slam whatever i want." She rumbles her heels clunking on the pathway as she pushes open the door.

She takes off my leather jacket and throws it at my face as i walk in behind her.

Enzo looks at me with wide eyes.

"What the hell were you two thinking?"

"We were protecting you, El." Enzo defends standing up.

"I don't need protecting. I'm fine!"

"Yeah right." I mumble under my breath.

It's not that she's not strong or incapable or untrustworthy, it's other boys aren't trustworthy.

"You ruined my date." She glares at me.

"I was actually just sitting there enjoying myself some water and you came up to me so you ruined your own date."

"Vaffanculo." She growls brushing past me going upstairs to her bedroom.

I walk towards Enzo, "Whoops."

"Whoops indeed."

"Do you think she'll be mad tomorrow?"

"Why do you care you always pick on eachother."

I nod.

I don't want her to be mad at me. I hate that feeling.

"How was your date anyway?" I ask.

"Good." Enzo smiles.

"Who was it?"

"I can't tell you that."

I frown as he goes upstairs to bed and i go upstairs to mine. I pull my shirt and pants off crawling into bed and turning on my tv putting on hockey.

I grab my phone and reply to snapchats when i hear knocking on my wall.

"What?" I yell.

"Turn it down." Elena calls.

I sigh and just turn off the tv all together and go to sleep.

I sigh and just turn off the tv all together and go to sleep

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