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Ricky's pov 


"Agh" Ricky groaned 

It was the first day of school Ricky was not exited 

 it's his first day of college it felt like he just graduated but all he knew he would see his friends since they all got into the same school

"What time is it..l" Ricky said to himself  he checked his phone just for it to say 8:15 his class starts at 8:30 "SHIT" he only has 15 minutes to get ready.

Isn't that enough time to get ready...no not for shen ricky he takes the longest to get ready that is why he wakes up really early but today was his lucky day huh!

He got changed,brushed his teeth and put a bit of makeup but the most important part is his hair he did not how to style it..., so he just combed it and put a bit of gel he looks in the mirror and he is proud of himself ...

He checked his phone for the time it was 8:25 he had 5 minutes so he rushed out of his room grabbed a strawberry milk and a piece of milk bread and left his house.

Thank god his school is not that far from his home he arrived at 8:30 and started walking to his class, once he found it he saw that the teacher hasn't started the class so Ricky just walked up to the only empty seat and tried to see if at least one of his friends were here...

Not one of them were here

So he decided to text them

                                                                 Favorite people +gyuvin 


So where are you guys I don't see you guys here                          Zhanghaoo 

                                                                          Ricky...I think we all have different classes 


yeah I think we all have different classes let's hope we have some classes together 


Well fuck I'm going to be lonely                                       Zhanghaoo 

                                                                                Oh well don't miss us to much Ricky 


I'll be fine whatever bye tho my class is starting 

Ricky looked at the boy next to him and he swears when the boy turned around to face Ricky... it's like he saw an angel the boy was cute.

So Ricky decided to talk to him

"Hey I'm ricky I guess we are sitting next' to eachother"

The boy responded "I'm jeonghyeon and I guess we are" he smiled at the blonde boy 

"I guess we should get to know each other Let's be friends atleast??" The blonde said looking at his strawberry milk he didn't get to drink 

"Yeah sure"  looking at the strawberry milk 

"you like strawberries?"  Jeonghyeon says 

"Oh yeah I do" ricky says with a big smiles 

"Interesting" jeonghyeon said looking at Ricky with a soft smile 

hyeon thought to himself 

"This boy smells like strawberries too well now I know he likes strawberries"

All they can say they became friends after that and they have not been paying attention to the teacher at all.

Chapter one finshed!! This might be a short story because I have a low attention span only to make short chapters but ik this is crappy but let's hope u guys like it I'll do updates regularly since I'm not in school rn so next chapter out tmr hopefully!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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