Rainy day feelings

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This chapter isn't angst-y, not very much anyways so enjoy some rainy fluff!

Nightmare couldn't help but smile, watching from the window as killer and horror played in the rain, killer taking pictures of flowers, frogs, sometimes horror. He used to really love the rain, dream didn't love the rain as much as he used to but that was simply because of his fear of thunder. He liked the feeling of the rain hitting him and those freshly watered plant smells. Dust and cross didn't like the rain either, both enjoyed snow but for different reasons. Then, then there was error. He held neutrality to all seasons and weather types. But he couldn't help but admit to how killer and horror looked like they were having fun. Nightmare watched from the corner of his eye as he saw error disappear back into his room for a few moments, slipping on a coat with a hood.
  "Do you want to come o-outside with me? You don't have to go fully out in the rain if you don't wanna, they just look like they're having fun so...I thought we could go too?" Error had asked, searching for an umbrella too. He found one, an amethyst colored umbrella. It looks old, but still in great condition, somehow. Nightmare hesitated, reaching towards the umbrella. It held many memories, mostly how one day he and dream had spent a whole day patching up that umbrella. Nightmare held onto the umbrella, slipping on some boots. He offered his hand to error, error glitching for a moment before taking nightmare's hand in his, intertwining fingers. Nightmare had stepped outside, taking in the nice rainy scenery. For a while, he stood out on the porch with the umbrella over his and error's hooded head. The rain couldn't get them from here unless the wind blew. He wasn't afraid of the rain or *most* water, deep water terrified him though..but he didn't wanna go out in the rain straight away. The two just watched in comfortable silence as killer and horror could be found playfully wrestling each other in the mud as the rain seemed to come down harder. Maybe it'd rain all day, that'd be heaven. He had noticed killer's camera laying amongst the porch chair, picking it up and passing the umbrella over to error for him to hold.
       He couldn't help but smile, bringing the camera up to his eyes and looking through it and pointing it at killer and horror. The two continued to play, oblivious to nightmare's recording. He was so wrapped up in chronicling the two having fun that he hadn't noticed error leaving him on the porch alone. Those three were going to end up sick and filthy after this most likely. Perhaps his recording of error happened to linger on him for a bit longer, a soft cherry invading his cheeks. It took him a few moments to realize when cross's voice had startled him. "They're going to get sick again- maybe we should ask them to come inside?" He had flinched, nearly flinging the camera at cross in a fit of instinct; throwing things when startled. He shook his head frantically, he wanted to join too..and maybe he was selfish for wanting this specific day to last forever but everyone was so happy and he was happy, he didn't want it to go away even if he knew it wouldn't last long.
      He had carefully set the camera down, pulling cross out into the rain too. Cross was reluctant- he didn't like getting all cold and soggy but nightmare was like a dad to him and he didn't wanna disappoint him. Truly there mostly wasn't anything that any of them could do that could disappoint him, nightmare saw them as family; the only family he'd have left in fact. Although, what he felt for error wasn't really familial or platonic but he wasn't exactly sure if it was best to call it romantic feelings. He had never been one to think of romance too much, nor had he been one to gain crushes. He's never had crushes before, so it shouldn't be possible that he had a crush now. Maybe he and error were just really good friends? But that didn't feel like the correct term, stars, what are they? Cross had figured he'd just stand out there in the rain- a bit too sleepy to actually go around playing in the rain, it was better to simply enjoy the feeling of the rain drops hitting him. He had watched as nightmare stood next to error with the umbrella, it was kinda obvious how those two felt about each other- someday he'd have two dads..that day is when nightmare or error decide to speak up..maybe they need a nudge? Error would be upset about it though.
         Error grinned, it seemed as if he was thinking about doing something mischievous. Luckily nightmare knew that grin and had backed away, he was right because next thing he knew he was witness of error slinging mud at killer and horror like they were snowballs. Cross had decided that now would be the perfect opportunity to try and nudge them closer to confessing. He rolled himself up a nice, big glob of mud, hurling it at nightmare- instead error managed to get in way and the mud happened to hit him in the chest. Error proceeded to dramatically fall to the ground like he was a soldier wounded in battle, nightmare kneeling beside him to check if he was alright. Once error confirmed his wellness and continued to play dead, nightmare was now merciless; having joined in on the fight. It surely shows that nightmare cares a lot about error. They went on like this for hours, even dust ended up joining later on during the mud wars. By the time it was all over, everyone was a muddy mess. Nightmare ended up spraying everyone with the hose- they weren't gonna be allowed in the house with all that mud on them so the simple solution was hose.
      Error lay in bed, nightmare laying beside him. They didn't sleep in the same room, but they did occasionally lay with each other like this, error likes to think it's a purely platonic thing to do, while a unvoiced side of him nags that it wasn't. "I...had fun today..!" Nightmare spoke, his voice quiet yet kind of cracked, not in the sense of getting higher at some points but kind of when someone hasn't really said much in so long and is just getting used to using their voice again. He had taken a few moments to even say those words, in a way it was like taking tweezers and struggling to get the thorns out of his throat before he could actually say anything. He knew that he wouldn't be able to talk often, he has no control over if his voice comes out or not. It frustrates him, he could be being comforted and someone would tell him to just let it all out but the thing is, he might not be able to. No matter how hard he tried to force it, it just won't. "Me t-too, we should do this again sometime, yeah?" Nightmare opened his mouth to say something, nothing came out though so he just nodded. Constant change of routine bothered him and brought him a huge amount of stress, it wouldn't be as often as error would think but every once in awhile he needs to take a small break from that routine. He looked forward to these new days with error.
      Killer opened his camera, having come upon the recording of everyone today. He watched it till the end, grinning at everyone's silliness, he also noticed how the camera lingered on error for a bit. His camera meant so much to him, it helps him remember stuff that he hasn't otherwise written down.  It helps him feel something. Whether it be nostalgia, sadness, happiness, it helps him feel at least something. Horror, dust, cross, error and nightmare are so important to him, he wanted to be as important to them as they were to him. Although, at the same time he didn't wanna get too attached and end up hurting them. He's been convinced time and time again that he was only good for hurting people. He's been told that for so long that it really did start to sink in and get him. He turned off the camera, putting it on it's charger.
     He had come to a conclusion; he would help nightmare and error. What's the worst that could happen anyways?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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