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Ms. Leoni, a supervising teacher at today's exam, warned her students
"You are not allowed to cheat on children. If someone cheats or cheats, I will assume that you did not take the exam." They were all silent and no one dared to make a sound. They continued to focus on working on their respective exam questions.

Putri looks very confused and troubled in working on exam questions. Then came the idea to cheat. While Putri was cheating suddenly Nafa saw and caught Putri cheating.
"Put, you better not cheat." Nafa who sat beside Putri warned her. However, Putri ignored Nafa's words and continued to cheat.

Nafa again catches Putri who is busy cheating.
"Put don't cheat anymore. If you are caught cheating, it will be considered that you did not take the test." Nafa advised Putri again. Putri again ignored Nafa's advice and instead she went against the advice Nafa gave her.

"Let it be, so that later my value will not be small." Putri aswered in a cynical tone.

"You should have studied before the test started." Nafa advised Putri again.

Mrs. Leony had actually been paying attention to Putri's movements. "Putri." Call Mrs. Leoni to Putri. Putri was very suprised and then looked up to see Mrs. Leoni. " Yes ma'am." Answered Putri to Mrs. Leoni. " I noticed that you and Nafa were talking all the time. What are you guys talking about, are you cooperating to cheat?" Mrs. Leoni asked suspiciously.

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