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577 11 19

[these chapter names are so f-ing random istg 💀]

Saturns p.o.v

I let out a sigh and floated over to Jupiter. "Hey Jupiter? Can i.. can I talk to you for a second?" He looked at me for a few seconds. "Okay.. what do you want?" I sighed, then explained what happened.

<small time skip>

"I think we should be able to stop this. We've lost Mars we can't loose anyone else, the Sun is already freaking out like crazy because Mars is gone. We DO NOT want that to get worse. Right?" I Said looking at Jupiter. "True, we are the biggest planets here whats the worst that can happen? Its not like anyone can take us out but the others.. yeah." He looked at me and smiled. "We'll find a way out of this don't worry." I sighed in relief. "Yeah.. we got this."

The inner-planets were yelling again but.. Mercury wasn't there. Where is he? Its only Venus and Earth. Maybe Mercury went out trying to find Mars? Too late for that he's already been demolished by a huge asteroid.

What Earth said left me in shock. Pure shock.
I froze. "Mercury is what?"


[210 words]

Getting juicy ong⁉️⁉️

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