Mercurys Attack (Aftermath)

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[oh noo our poor Venus was attacked 😭]

Jupiter's p.o.v (ohh???)

I heard a crash.
I gasped when I saw how injured Venus was, he blacked out instantly.

I obviously knew mars would be okay, plus Earth was next to us with his moon so I could leave them alone

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I obviously knew mars would be okay, plus Earth was next to us with his moon so I could leave them alone. I rushed over to where Venus and Mercury were to see Mercury frozen in shock from what he just did, and Venus is still blacked out. Mercury started crying and apologizing saying he didn't mean too and he was just angry. I told him to calm down and that Benus would be okay, though I didn't know if he would really be okay. I'm very worried, the other planets started talking and were helping Mars. Pluto actually randomly appeared and asked if everyone was okay because he heard a lot of noise.

I don't know what's going to happen and I don't know what to do. Until I heard him.

"What? What's going..?"
It was Venus. I don't know what he was going to say but I told him to shush and take a minute. How is he awake? With a hit like that he should still be blacked out, im surprised he's awake. Mercury tried apologizing to him but I told him to wait until Venus was fully conscious. Though I don't know if Venus is just going to black out again but jesus he looks terrible after that hit to the eye.

[243 words]


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