Perfect eye contact.

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Gosh, his perfect hair ..His perfect lop sided smile ..His perfect neck ..His perfect hands ..His perfect swift waves ..His perfect veins ..His perfect eyes ..His perfect arms ..His perfect voice ..His perfect moles ..His perfect nose ..His perfect frown ..His perfect body ..His perfect..wait..eye contact??

OH MY DAYS, DYLAN RHODES O'BRIEN IS LOOKING AT ME LOOKING AT HIM LOOKING AT ME!! Before I know it, my eyes go back as my knees go weak.

Dylan's POV

I look around.. all these lovely fans, they are just like family. One big family. I love them all so much, I think to myself as I keep on waving one hand in the air, looking here and there as my other hand is on my chest, admiring everyone. I look around trying to spot Michael as I lock eyes with a rather very shocked brunette staring at me with her hand frozen in the air, almost trying to wave at me. She seems so shocked and purely filled with bliss that I can just see it in her eyes.

I wave back gently, slightly chuckling to myself about how innocently cute she looks just blushing over there around 20 foot apart from me outside her car? All of a sudden, she looks back as her body collapses. I see a purple head running in her direction, as the attention of the crowd shifts towards her unconscious body, muffled gasps everywhere. I also quickly make way for myself sprinting over to see if she is okay.

She seems dazzled as if she just got flashed straight in the eyes with the most brightest torch.

Sarah's POV

I feel like I just got blinded by his light. I mean, I am unconscious but I feel like I'm in the moment, almost feeling conscious? I don't know what is happening but I certainly saw this coming. Am I literally crying, there is something wet I can sense on my face. ..Wait...

I jolt up, there when I open my eyes, I see Riley on my left with a glass of water in her hands which she probably sprinkled on me. As I look towards my right.. I can't believe it. I gasp for air as I realize I just locked eyes again with those caramel soft brown eyes that are full of concern leaning over worried. I choke on my own saliva, starting to understand and comprehend that this isn't a dream and that this is actually HIM. I want to cry right now. I want to scream and kiss him so damn hard that we collide with the ground right then and there but I can't..I freaking can't! I can't with my feelings no longer either, gosh he is right there!

I'm brought back to reality with the most bone chilling, sexiest "Hey" I had ever heard. I can't. I just simply can't. This is too much for me..too much for me to take in. I notice my head is on Riley's lap as Aida stands in the middle right in front of me with her phone in her hands looking down at me with the most concerning look. I shift over barely looking at Dylan again, as I realize it's the wrong move I just made. "You seem a little lost", he says with the most adorable slightest smile I have ever seen. "You're g-gonna make me collapse ag-again." I say, almost not realizing I stuttered for the first time in 3 years while blabbering that out. Shit! I just said my thought out fucking loud. He seems to notice as his gaze shifts from my eyes to my lips. Goshhhhhhhh..HELP ME.

"You already dozed off once just then." He says with the most sexiest chuckle heard by mankind-
"Y-you're doing wonders to me right no-now Dylan." I manage to say with whatever strength I had left in me.

"C'mon" and with that, he has his arm stretched out after him standing back up, "you don't wanna miss the Premiere now, do you?" How do I tell him that the only reason I'm even here is to see that face...that one face that holds the power to kill me. I'm so fucked up when it comes to him that I'm even down to dying at times.
Wait scratch that, I'm down to dying 24/7 for this man.

And with that, I'm sold as I realize this is my opportunity. I reach out to
his arm and put my hand in his. Oh my god, my spine-
God I'm melting.. the blush on my
face is bright red even at this hour.

I can sense Aida's jaw drop to the floor once again as he helps my weakened body get up. All eyes are on us now.

Every single pair.

"You gonna be alright?" He asks. I am not able to say anything. It's just like it's only us..him and I. Even I don't recognize the thoughts surrounding me along with the unconscious consciousness I'm experiencing. And eyes locked with his, I can see so deep through them that I have forgotten where I am. My mouth opens but fails to speak as I choke on my own words.

"Um.." he chuckles slightly. Before I know it, my lips open as the words "Sarah" escape my lips rather fast. "Huh?" "I'm S-Sar-Sarah" "beautiful name, sweetie, I'm Dylan." And with that, he has his hand out again for me to shake. I'm so lost in his eyes that I don't even notice he has his hand out.

"Uh..Sarah?" And there it is again. I'm gone again, I collapse again. "Oh shit" is the last thing I hear escape his lips
as he grips me into his arms avoiding me from crashing into the ground but I'm already long gone, my vision blurring.

Do tell me what u guys think so far, did I match your feelings? Cuz I sure matched mine😩love you guys!

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