Start from the beginning

Arlo grabbed a metal pipe off of the ground and smashed the windshield of a car while Aisha broke the window of the same car. The two girls high fived before running off in different directions. Arlo beat the pole she was holding into multiple different cars. It felt good to let all of her anger out into the swings of the pole, and seeing the results of it was even nicer.

"Lo, watch this!" Arlo looked up at the voice and saw Miguel and Hawk dropping a large piece of metal onto the roof of a car below. The car's windshield shattered causing glass to fly everywhere. Luckily Arlo had ducked behind a nearby car, so she didn't get cut by any glass.

Arlo looked up and saw Miguel and Hawk screaming as they pulled each other into a hug. "You guys could've given me a better warning, I almost got hit." Arlo laughed and held her hand over her forehead to block the sun as she looked up at the two boys.

"You're okay though, right?" Miguel shouted down to the girl.

Arlo nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. Get down here Sensei has more stuff for us to do."

The two boys ran down the stairs and walked out of the front of the building to walk with the girl. Hawk pulled a piece of glass out of Arlo's hair when he was closer to her.

"What was that for." Arlo looked up at the boy, confused as to why he was messing with her hair.

Hawk held up the chunk of glass. "This was in your hair."

"Oh shit." Arlo turned her back to the boy and shook her head aggressively. "Is there anymore in there?"

Miguel laughed slightly as he watched Hawk lean his head back to avoid getting hit with the girl's hair. "If there was, I think you got it now."

"Shut up, Miguel." Arlo waved her hand in the air slightly and turned around to face the two boys when she stopped shaking her head. "If a shard of glass is still in my hair and it slices my head open later, I'm blaming both of you."

"I'll take the blame." Hawk laughed slightly as he put his arm around the girl's shoulder. He looked down and saw another piece of glass sitting on the top of her head, he pulled it out of her hair carefully.

Arlo didn't even bother looking up when she felt Hawk's hands in her hair. "There was another piece in my hair wasn't there."

"Yeah." Hawk threw the small piece of glass to the side as they met up with the rest of the group again.

Johnny paced in front of a large dumpster as he instructed the students that they were going to walk across a board above a bunch of sharp scrap metal.

"This isn't gonna go well." Arlo whispered to Hawk.

Hawk leaned down and whispered to Arlo. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Arlo smiled to herself as she looked back to the older man who was now giving them a motivational speech.

"There's nothing to fear except for fear itself." Johnny stopped pacing and now faced his students. "That, and falling in sharp metal and broken glass, so don't do that."

All of the teens looked around at each other, trying to figure out if the man in front of them was joking about what he wanted them to do.

"Let's go!" Miguel shouted as he walked to one side of the dumpster. Hawk followed Miguel, Arlo closely behind him and Aisha behind Arlo.

"Come on. princess. Let's go. Move that ass." Arlo laughed while she listened to Johnny's words of encouragement for Miguel. Everyone began cheering as Miguel quickly made it to the other side, not slipping at all.

UNDENIABLE ~ ( Eli Moskowitz )Where stories live. Discover now