Chapter 1: Troublemakers

Start from the beginning

                    "Those boys are such troublemakers."  I couldn't help but to agree with her.  I was only two years older than Rameses and five years older than Moses, but I kind of felt like a mother to them.   

                     "I'll be ready in five minutes,"  She beams at me before walking out of the room to let me get ready.  I walk over towards the vanity and line my eyes with kohl.  Grabbing a golden headband, I left my hair down.  Ahmed used the dresser to stand up, letting out sounds of delight as he tried to follow my twin cats, Tessa and Ata, around the room.  He took baby steps towards my cats and grunted when he fell.  I walked over to him and took him in my arms, twirling him around while he cooed in delight.

                    "Up! Up!"  I knew he wanted me to throw him up, but I usually let Moses or Rameses do that.  Ahmed loved them so much.  I grabbed the baby sling that sat on top of my dresser and slung it around me.  It took me a couple minutes to wrestle Ahmed into the sling, he hated getting into the sling, but once he got into it he enjoyed me walking around the palace.  I usually had him on my back when I was working, but since I was just walking around today I let him sleep on my breasts.  I slipped my feet into my sandals before doubled checking my appearance and walking out the door.  Tuya was outside the door, an amused expression on her face.

                       "Hard time getting him in the sling?"  She asks, I glare at her.

                       "Let's just get this over with."  I respond.

                        "I'll go this way, you go that way.  Pharaoh wants to see them so when you find them, bring them to the throne room.  I will be there."  I nod and set off in the direction she pointed at.  I walked through the hallways, maids passed me with either laundry basket or food trays.  I wave at some of my friends who smile back.  

                       "Habibah!"  I look up to see my friend Femi rushing towards me.  She was a huge gossip, always being one of the first people in the palace to get big news.  "You'll never believe what happened!"  She waves her hands around.

                        "What happened?"  I look at her with an amused look.

                          "You can't tell anybody, I got this information from a friend outside the palace."  She whispers, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping.  I roll my eyes, she knows as much as I do that the hall we were in was practically always deserted, except for the guards of course.  "The Princes destroyed a Temple of Ra!"  I gasp, my hands flying over my mouth.  A Temple of Ra!!!  Femi's face lights up from my reaction.  Oh I'm going to kill those boys!

                         "If you'll excuse me Femi, I have some important errands to run."  She nods before rushing away, probably to tell her group of friends.  I walk even faster down the now deserted hallway, determined to give those boys a piece of my mind.

                         I stop when I hear the sound of laughing and chattering.  I immediately recognize the voices and get Ahmed out of my sling.  Ahmed looks up at me curiously.

                        "Mommy needs to talk to Moses and Rameses.  Could you play with Ata and Fessa?"  He shakes his head and wraps his arms around my leg.  Ata and Fessa sit down on either side of him.  I sigh before patting his head I looked back down the hallway to see Moses and Rameses laughing and joking.  The don't even look at me.  I roll my eyes at the idiots.  

                        "Ahem."  I say, trying to get their attention.  It works, both of their eyes to turn to look at me.  I blush a little when Rameses looks at me, I've had the longest crush on him.  Crossing both my arms and glaring at them they both know they're about to get a long lecture from me.

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