Why me?

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Every where that I go, I cannot escape the "Congratulations!!", the "I know it's going to be epic!!", and my favorite "Oh my gods! She is so lucky!" whispers and talks of the community witches here in Enchante Isles. Why is everyone so excited one may ask? It is because a wedding celebration is afoot and not just any wedding, mine.
I am the youngest daughter of the most powerful wizard in Enchante Isle, Damion Woodlock. Not only that, my family is among the most wealthiest in the land. There are six wealthy wizard families: The Smythes, the Davenports, the Guerreros, the Zhaos, the Kavanoughs, and mine, the Woodlocks.
There are six of us Woodlock children. There's the oldest, my brother, Damion Woodlock the second. He is to lead the family when our father passes on. As much as witches throw themselves at him, he has yet to choose a wife. His reasoning, he has not found the right one. Then there's the second oldest, my sister, Aristol Woodlock-Smythe. Yes, she married into one of the other wealthy families and is the wife of the eldest Smythe son, Thomas. I can see why, though. Both of them are kind of snobbish.
After Aristol, there's Brenton Woodlock, the third oldest and the only brother that is married, happily married to one of the Zhao daughters, a twin named Mei. I actually like her. She's very sweet and one of the best tea leaf readers in our community. Next, is my brother, Zyphire Woodlock. We call him the "the wanderer" of the family. He's always going on adventures and a few of those adventures led to women popping up unannounced and saying that Zyphire has allegedly fathered their child. When inquired to provide proof or to participate in a DNA spell, none of those women were ever heard of again. Tragic.
Then there's Solana Woodlock-Chamberlon. Unlike Aristol and Brenton, Solana didn't marry into one of the other wealthy families. Instead, she married Willard Chamberlom, a high ranking council member of the Enchante Isle government. Because of his position, my father deemed him worthy of Solana's hand. Plus, she loves him dearly and vice versa. Also, Solana is also carrying the next generation of our family bloodline. Yes, Solana is with child, and I am actually excited to be an aunt.
Last but not least, there's me. I am Tania Woodlock and I am the youngest of all; barely just turned twenty and engaged. I've been engaged since my eighteenth birthday and my wedding is in two weeks. Two-freaking-weeks!! And I am not happy about it. In fact, I've never been the type of girl to gush over the opposite sex, much less wish for marriage.
On top of that, I am engaged to someone who makes me want to punch them in the throat when I see them. His name is Sebastian Davenport, the second son of the Davenport family and the girls love him. I admit that he is very good-looking, tall, has an athletic body, dreamy brown eyes, and a smile that can blind angels. But I don't give two shits. He's rude, an annoying know-it-all, an ego so big that he can live in it, has a bland personality, and can't even hold a basic conversation unless it's about his money and status, and his fan club of witches.
The sound of his voice makes my ass itch and as talented as his magic is, he can't conjure up a breath mint to save his life. Did I also mention that he is a hot head and throws a tantrum like a petulant child? The other thing is, we have absolutely nothing in common. There's no chemistry whatsoever, and yet, this is who my father deems worthy of my hand.
Would I have picked my own husband if I could? No, because marriage was not on my list of priorities and for some reason, I could never connect with the wizards. Plus, I'm still a virgin, someone pure, and in the Woodlock family, that's a treasure that cannot be given to just any wizard.
When one is of certain status, that individual doesn't have the freedom to love who they choose, unless they are born male. Boys can do whatever and whoever. Hence, my brothers, Damion the second and Zyphire, who have not married and can choose who they marry when and if they are ready. My sisters and I don't have that luxury or any girl of high status for that matter. Although my sisters kept with the tradition and obligations, I fought against it and lost. And now, I am to get married in two weeks.

"Tania! Hey, Tania!"

I roll my eyes at the sound of my future sister-in-law's voice. I turn my body in her direction to see her running on her tip toes towards me in her pink high heel pumps. I fake a smile as if I'm delighted to see her. "Oh, hey, Penelope. What brings you out on the strip?". I don't know why I asked that. I don't really care. "I'm just out shopping for a new hat to wear with my dress for you and my brother's wedding, I'm so excited!" Penelope squeals, "are you ready for the big day?". I widen my smile, "Ecstatic!" I manage to say. Penelope let's out a squeal of a excited school girl who has gotten to pick up a wand for the first time. Other witches and wizards who are passing by stare, but keep walking.
"Me too! I am so stoked to finally have a sister!" Penelope takes my hand into hers and squeezes it tight, "you have no idea what it's like to be the only girl of my siblings. It'll be nice to have a sister-witch to chat with!". She's right, I don't. I have two sisters and Penelope has three brothers. In a way I feel for her. Her oldest brother hasn't married and the younger brother is still in secondary school and is due to graduate soon. And I'm engaged to her brother, Sebastian.
I nod my head abs politely slide my hand out of her grip. My hand throbs as blood flows back into my veins. Sheesh, I hadn't realized that she was squeezing my hand so hard. Damn! "Well, yes I can understand that, so, I sympathize," I tell her, "it was good seeing you, but I better get going. Father is expecting me". Penelope nods her head with her wife spread grin, "Okay! See you soon, and tell your brother, Damion, that I said hi!".

"Will do!".

I lied. I won't. Penelope has been trying to shoot her shot at my brother for years and he is definitely not interested. I give Penelope a wave and turn on my heel; making fast tracks to get away from her. I was honest about my father expecting me. He's expecting all of us his children at the Woodlock estate this evening. Even though I still reside there, my other siblings do not. I was simply out because I wanted some fresh air and a strawberry cream custard tart.
As I am making my way home, two things come to mind: what is it that my father wants to talk to all of us about? And how can I get out of this despicable marriage arrangement?

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