Harry Potter

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1 Borrow money from Harry all the time, give that money to Voldemort then refuse to pay Harry the money back.

2 Tell people he killed your imaginary friend.

3 Ask him when he and Draco are going to realize they love each other.

4 Follow him everywhere and sing loudly while doing so.

5 Hide his broom.

6 Blame him for everything that is wrong in your life.

7 Be Lord Voldemort.

8 Be Bellatrix Lestrange

9 Be Dolores Umbridge

10 Tell him the Wizarding World isn't real and his whole life is a dream.

11 Kick him in the leg

12 Wake him at 3am to tell him you can't find your pillow.

13 Kidnap Hedwig and refuse to give her back unless he buys you a pony.

14 Ask him why he doesn't like Voldemort, do this twenty times a day.

15 Ask him to give you a piggyback, cry and scream when he refuses.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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