A Good Friend

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While Chucky and M/N were getting it on Jesse and Jade were wide awake pondering and overthinking their life.

Jesse got out of bed and put some clothes on.
Jesse went outside to where a phone booth was at.
While Jade grabbed a house phone that was next to the bed.
Both of them called their best friend David.

David stirred in bed hearing his phone ring.
He picked it up with a tired voice.

"David...it's me."
Jades voice sounded shaky and she was looking around the room to make sure no one was there.

David turned on his lamp that was on his night stand and sat up.
"Where are you?"

"Niagara! The Honeymoon Sweets hotel which believe me is even worse than it sounds!"

"Are you okay?"

"No. I'm married!"

"Is that bad?"

"I'm really scared...I think maybe he did it David!
I think Jesse has totally lost it!"


"What should I do?"

"Are you sure?"

"Pretty sure."

"Then you've gotta go to the police."

"I don't think I can. I still love him...is that wrong?"

"Hold on a second."
David got another call so he hung up on Jade and answered the call.

"David! It's me!"


"I'm sorry to call you so late. I got a problem. It's Jade."

"Listen to me. Go to the police. Now before somebody else gets hurt!"

Inside the Motel a janitor came inside the room where Diane and Russ had died.
"Yoo-Hoo! Anybody here? House keeping!"
She entered the room but it was pitch black.
She brought her cart inside as well.
"Hello! Housekeeping! Joy to be here!"
She took out her cleaning supplies.
"Okay! Oh. Good-"
She stepped in glass and water.
"Newlyweds. Hehe. What the heck went on here?"
She began to spray a type of cleanser.
She turned around and saw the two dead bodies of Diane and Russ.
She screamed as she dropped the can.

Jesse and Jade came out of their room and saw the scene.
Jesse screamed and Jade covered her mouth.

In the morning Jesse and Jade ran out of the Motel with all their stuff.
They got into the van and put their stuff away.

"I can't do this."
Jade was breathing heavily.

Jesse was out of breath from the scene he saw and from running.

"I-I can't go with you Jesse. Not anymore."
Jesse put his back against his seat and relaxed.

"Oh man I'm glad you said that first."


"Jade...This is too much for me. I love you. I will always love you but there is a limit to how much I can take."
Jesse turned to look at Jade while breathing heavily.

"Would you please stop talking to me like I'm the one who's crazy?! You're the crazy one! You're the mass murderer!"
Jesse started the cry as she pointed to the motel talking about Diane and Russ.

"You mean multiple murderer!"
Jade was taken aback and stared at Jesse in shock.

"So you admit it?!"

"No! I don't!"

"I can't take this shit anymore! AH!"
David slammed his fist on the van window where Jade was sitting.

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