Chapter 4

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Per Sebastian's recommendation, he and Jupiter stayed the night at his home in Feldcroft, where his twin sister Anne greeted her with open arms and a hot bath, a treatment she did not stretch to her brother. The wounds in her heart and mind that he caused her were not fully healed but slowly getting there. It was almost too slow for Sebastian, but he fully understood why. Anne and Jupiter had kept in close contact over the years following her uncle's death, and it was comforting to meet again in person.

The next morning, they set out to the ruins of Isadora's home. It was not far from the Sallow home, but it was an unfortunate waste of time. Everything in the ruins was just that: ruined. Juniper, left extremely disappointed, suggested to venture in the area a little longer, reasoning they might as well take advantage of the day since they're already skipping an entire day of classes. Sebastian didn't argue.

After walking for a couple of kilometers and not too far from Feldcroft, Sebastian broke the silence.

"Do you remember the last time we were alone in a dark castle?"

She gave him a curious look. "Of course, it was last night."

"The time before that." He chuckled.

She stayed quiet for a beat, recalling the single night in the summer of their sixth year she saw him.
"We've been in many dark ruins, be more specific." She said, turning away from him, brushing her hair with her hands to cover her bright red ears.

"The night I kissed you."

She stopped walking. Her eyes burning holes into the ground. He was being so direct, and she was not prepared for it. Her heart rose to her throat and dropped to her stomach simultaneously.

"Yes, of course. It was a surprisingly eventful night, given that it was a short while." She said, mustering up the confidence to not sound as unprepared as she was.

"It was a good kiss. I still think about it." He said in a casual tone, hoping it would keep his cheeks from blushing.

"Oh, do you?" she said cautiously, unsure of what to make of this conversation.

"It was good. Very good for your first kiss."

She stopped once more, not realizing they had continued to walk in her flustered state. She was very offended by his comment.

"Why in Merlin's beard would you think that was my first kiss? Or that I would've ever given you my first kiss?" She was experiencing a new kind of heat spread to her face.

Sebastian was taken back with her sudden outburst. "Well, because you've never had a boyfriend, so I assumed you've never kissed anyone." He looked at her suspiciously, an invasive feeling of curiosity taking a hold of him. "Have you?"

"Have I what?"

"Ever had a boyfriend."



"Not like that."

"Then how?"

She sighed. "We promised we wouldn't tell a soul. Let's just say I've... had some experience..."

Sebastian felt a prick in his heart. Jealousy? No, it couldn't be, he thought. He continued walking once more, Juniper following a half step behind dragging her broom across the ground.

"With whom?" He asked after a moment of silence.

She stayed quiet for what felt like an eternity, weighing how much information would be considered breaking her promise to this mysterious suitor.

CursedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora