Chapt. 1-Ex Boyfriend

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I turn up the volume, letting the music nearly rupture my eardrums.

Bri open this door now!

The song switched. The soft strumming of a guitar making me ease back into my chair. I hadn't realized how tense my shoulders where until I really released my muscles. Footsteps outside my door receded, then returned. A sharp click startled me. I yank the earbuds out of my ears.

Anne narrowed her eyes at me. Heavily breathing as if she just ran up Mt. Everest and back. She then speaks, brokenly.

"Do you have. Any. Idea. How. Insufferable. You. Are!"

I nod, reaching for the earbuds again.

"Don't! MOVE." she snapped.

I freeze.

"I could have been partying right now. Hooking up with Jackson Wells. But no. Here I am. Trying to save my best friend from something she doesn't even want to be saved from!"

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off.

"He dumped you! You loved him and he threw you away and now you're sitting here feeling bad for yourself!" she screams, her eyes wide. "We get it! Grow up! Its been a week already."

Ouch. Anne glared at me while she threw her hair back over her shoulder. Tinsel shining from her beautiful artificial curls. She walks over to my desk and I stand up. Anne's royal blue eyes are filled with two emotions. Worry, and sympathy. I feel her warm arms pull me into a hug. 

"I know it hurts. I know it feels like you're dying. It's as if everything isn't worth it anymore, but that's the thing. It is. Everything is so worth it." She says, her voice shaking.

No it's not. Is what I want to say. You don't know how it feels. You don't know what its like to cry so hard you pass out. You don't know what its like to blame yourself. You don't know what its like to feel nothing but regret. Regret. Regret. Regret.

"stop." I say so quietly its barely a whisper. "please."

My bottom lip quivers as I feel emotion rush to my face. And suddenly I'm crying. I'm crying and I can't stop. Her arms tighten around me, hushing me softly. How could he do that to me? How could he just completely destroy me like this? Memories flood my brain. I did everything with him. Every second of every day. His smile, His face, His arms. How could he make me feel like a queen then throw me away like I was nothing?

"It's ok, Bri." She whispers, "but please stop or I'm going to start crying and ruin this gorgeous face I spent hours concocting."

I nod, pulling away from her. She smiles sadly, bringing my brown waves around my face. Anne is like a sponge, soaking away all your problems; just to bottle them up and spill once every two weeks. I'm not complaining, Anne's the best friend I've ever had. Effortlessly beautiful too. 

"Okay here's what we're doing." She flashes her pearly teeth, while squeezing my shoulders. "We're going to Kendra's party and we're gonna drink and dance away that nasty parasite of a man."

"but-" I start

"Ah! That wasn't a question! It's happening. Go shower and I'll pick out your outfit" Anne pushes me out of my room and slams the door in my face.

.   .   .

"You're joking."

"Nope." She giggles, squeezing my hand.

Anne prepared a very tight navy blue dress for me. I keep pulling in down, but it refuses to obey. I don't trust the straps, too thin. Though, the dress was absolutely stunning, even on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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