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𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I woke up to my alarm going off, 5:30 it read, time to get up.

I looked at the beautiful blond boy underneath me, snoring away. I lightly shook his shoulder and whispered, "j, it's time to get up."

He didn't budge, just whines and rolled over. I then leaned over and kissed him softly, and said, "baby, it's time to get up."

jj's eyes shot open instantly. "Well that worked" I said smiling. He joked at me, "no, just the morning breath."

"Funny maybank." I joked. "I might just have to give you a taste of your own medicine." He said leaning into me. "Or just a taste of my beautiful boyfriend" I said, and he crashed his lips onto mine, starting a make out.

Once we broke apart I said, "so are we going to tell the pouges?"

"They can just find out when they find out" jj said in a soft voice, I agreed and pulled him into a hug.

"I can get used to that" he smiled. "I'm glad" I said back, standing up. Seconds later I felt hands wrap around my waist and pulled me back into bed.

I laughed and jj said, "5 more minutes?" With puppy dog eyes. I couldn't resist, "fine maybank, you got a chokehold on me."

"No, I'm just your favorite person in the world."
He laughed. "Yea, you are baby." I said which caused him to blush. It was so cute.

After 5 minutes I stood up and so did jj, we went into the bathroom to get ready. We did everything we usually did in the morning accept this time it took a few extra minutes because we were interrupted by each others kisses half the time. I don't mind at all though, I loved it.

We got dressed, jj put on some cargo shorts, a hoodie, and his classic boots. I put on some black leggings, converse, and one of jj's hoodies.

"Mind if I wear this?" I asked grabbing a random hoodie from his side of the closet. "No, please do, you look really hot in my clothes." He told me, I blushed and it was totally visible.

"Awww kies blushingggg." jj said in a baby voice. "Shut up maybank." I laughed and kissed him.

"Cmon, let's head downstairs, we can make breakfast." I said and he caught up to me and grabbed my hand.

We got into the kitchen and made eggs and toast. JJ was sitting on one of the barstools next to the island when I sat on his lap. He looked at me and smiled so I wrapped my arms around his neck and this made him pull me into a kiss. We were heavily making out when we heard Sarah say, "please don't fuck on my counter, that's all I ask."

We both immediately broke apart and turned red in the face, Sarah just laughed and said, "thank god you too finally realize your soulmates."

"Yea thanks sar, for helping me realize that." jj said, I started to get lost in his eyes when Sarah said, "earth to kie!" And I snapped back out of it, I wasn't happy about it.

We laughed a bit until John B casually walked in and snagged a piece of toast. "Hey, where's my money, I worked hard to make that."

"K fine!" John b joked and threw a pennie from the counter at me. "Sugar mommy jj with it." He joked and I started dying laughing into jjs skin, covering my laughter.

"No seriously, maybe you can get a little cheek kiss." He said completely serious. We all looked at him like he was stupid. JJ gave me a quick kiss and John B was all confused. Sarah said, "omg hun, I love you but your a bit slow sometimes."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well contexts clues baby, jj just kissed kie, she is literally wearing jj's hoodie and sitting on his lap." Sarah explained.

John B realized and said, "shit, you guys are together!" We laughed and said, "yup, u got us!"

"Sorry, I'm never fully snapped into reality in the morning." John B says. "Yea we can tell." I say to him laughing.

We all got ready to head to school, I grabbed a few things for lunch and we headed out the door.


We were at our lockers when this bitch Lily went up to jj and started flirting with him, I was across the hall so I did. not hear what she was saying, nor did I see jj's face or mood.

The first 3 periods Lily was non stop flirting with jj, I was so pissed. The lunch bell rang and the pouges went to our table outside.


This bitch Iily has been around me all day, I don't know why. She is acting really weird. Kie hasn't talked to me since the car ride here, at that point she was a cuddly and soft with me, playing with my hands and hair, telling me I was so handsome.

At lunch Lily followed us to our table, I sat on the table with my feet on the connected bench, while the rest of the pouges sat down somewhere.

Lily stood at the edge of the table right next to me. She "accidentally" hit my leg and goes, "I'm so sorry!" In her high pitched voice. I am so unfazed and just want to see kie, I just move my leg to the side and ignore her.

I was on my phone and looked up and kie was angry and storming by us to the Twinkie, I called her name and ran after her. She got to the Twinkie and tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Looking for these?" I ask from behind her holding the keys in my hand. "Yea unlock the fucking door jj!" She said pissed. "Kie I need my lunch." I said. "Ok take your lunch and go!" She said as she threw a muffin at my chest.

"Baby what's wrong!?" I ask confused. "what's wrong? Everything with that whore Lily! She just can't take her hands off you and you don't even stop it jj!" She yells.

"I don't notice her all over me Kiara!" I yell.

"Yea because you probably like it!" She says, her voice breaking. "Kie, I don't notice whatever the fuck that bitch does because your the only one I notice and wanna notice!" I say softly.

"Really?" She asks. "Of course baby, I've been trying to talk to u all day but you were mad so I wanted respect your boundaries." I say.

"Don't do that anymore, talk to me, you make me the happiest Ive ever been." Kie says smiling.

I get closer to her and kiss her beautiful lips, holding her waist. When we break apart I say, "ok, do you wanna go back to the table and eat or eat in the Twinkie so we don't have to deal with Lily?"

"Let's go back, I want to show you off." She says. "Not if I show you off more!" I say and wrap my arm around her.

We walked to the table and I sat back in the spot I was sitting at and helped kie up so she can sit in-between my legs. I placed my hand on her hip so Lily could clearly see it, I looked at kie and smiled.

Once lunch was over Lily was still trying to flirt with me, it was so annoying. We finished school and headed to the Twinkie, pope and Cleo came in another car.

Sarah sat up front with John b and I sat in the back with kie. We were a cuddled up when I heard Lily asking John b if he could give her a ride home, he agreed, he didn't care for Lily but was done with her annoying side.

Kie straddled me in the way home just hugging me and I rubbed her back. I kissed her and we made out a bit. Lily just rolled her eyes. When she left the car we started laughing so hard. Sarah said, "that was a good move to make her jealous guys."

I said, "I wasn't planning on it, I was just focusing on my girl." Kie blushed and said, "awww, so cheesy!" And we all laughed.

We made our way home and enjoyed our night with some beer and some kisses, maybe ending it off with a little spice, you'll never know.

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