A Malfoy Wedding

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The Profit August 24th, 2003

Love is in the Air 

By. Rita Skeeter

Last night at the Quidditch World Cup. There was more than one celebration going on. The Puddlebemere United Quidditch Team. Won the Quidditch World Cup for the first time. All Wizarding London was celebrating the big win.

Egypt had 380. While our team had 300. But with the capture of the snitch by seeker Draco Lucius Malfoy. The game was won at 450.

From a reliable source. We were told that the Puddlebemere seeker Draco Lucius Malfoy. Proposed to his wedding planner girlfriend Hermione Jean Granger. Using his very first professional snitch catch. He used the snitch to hide the engagement ring. That his mother, Narcissa Malfoy had used.

As you may all may remember Draco Malfoy was about to marry the American witch Clara Smith back in May 2001. 

But after her false pregnancy was exposed. The marriage was canceled. But eight months later. Draco made his relationship to his long time friend Hermione Granger official. At the wedding of famous seeker Viktor Krum.

Now Draco Malfoy has gone down on one knee proposing to his girlfriend. In the celebrating party of Puddlebemere United. Of course the wedding planner said yes.

For all the updates of the wedding of the century keep tune to me. Rita Skeeter journalist of the stars. Right here at your daily Profit.

Malfoy Manor July 17th 2004

Hermione awoke with a strong arm wrapped around her waist. While another played with her curls. When she opened her eyes. She saw a pair of beautiful grey eyes looking at her. "Good morning Granger." Draco said in a husky sleeping voice.

Making Hermione frown at her almost husband. Draco had made it a custom to call Hermione by her last name. Since he proposed to her. Telling her he had to get it out of his system. As she would soon be a Malfoy. 

Which made waking up to him annoying. She moved in to Malfoy Manor again after Viktor's wedding. Narcissa had given up on trying to have Hermione sleeping in her own room. A week after she returned. But Narcissa did try to have Hermione sleep in her own room. A night before their wedding. But Draco had sneaked into her bedroom in the middle of the night. Making Hermione put an desiluging charm on her wedding dress.

"You better get going to your room. Unless you want your mom to hex you." Hermione said as she pushed Draco's hair back. He just kissed her and hummed. "She wouldn't hurt the groom hours before his wedding." Draco said. 

Hermione just rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No she said she wouldn't hurt the bride. You are not the bride." she told him with little to much sass. "No I am not. You are and in few hours you will be my wife for the rest of my life. I love you Hermione so so much." Draco said. 

That made Hermione start to cring softly. "I love you so much Draco. I can't believe this day is finally here. I finally get to have you all to myself." Hermione said pulling herself back up. "Well not forever. You will have to share me when we have little curly blondes running around the manor halls." Draco told her. 

Making her smile. She could already see them runnig around and flying in the Malfoy gardens. Both of them had alredy discussed starting a family as soon as possible. They were ready to have it all. They had waisted so much time. That no more time was going to be waisted. Not anymore. With one final kiss Draco snuck back to his bedroom. Making sure no one saw him. Unless he wanted to truly see his mother's Slytherin side.

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