"Pizza?" I asked.

"Yeah...unless you don't want to eat here. We could go somewhere--"

"Nah. Pizza's good."

Peter opens the door for me and I walk in. A waiters comes to greet us and then we get put in a booth in the back, menus placed in front of us. We both took off our coats.

After we ordered our drinks I decide to start conversation.

"So how have you been Peter?" I asked.

"Great. Better actually."

I bet you have been. Now that you're back to swinging webs and capturing bad guys. The waiter came back with our drinks setting them down on the table. I had gotten water while Peter got a coke. I politely asked for a few more minutes before ordering our food and the waiter left with a nod.

"That's good. The last time I saw you were pretty down." I say before taking a sip of my drink.

"You noticed, huh?"

I nod my head and Peter puts his down.

"Did something happen?" I asked.

Peter sighed, and didn't say anything after.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too. I'll understand." I say.

"M-my girlfriend Gwen...she passed away a months ago."

"Gwen Stacy?"

"Yeah, how did you--"

"I heard about her death, it was all over the news. Her father was the chief of police before he died wasn't he?"

"Yeah..he was."

I place my hand on top of Peter's making him look up.

"I'm so sorry Peter. She was so young, and bright minded I heard...such a shame. I guess that Spider-man can't save 'em all."

"Yeah. I guess he can't."

Peter wiped his eye before picking up his menu. I did the same, my eyes still fixed on him.

"So, what is it that you do Peter?" I asked.

He shifted a little in his seat.

"I do, uh, some web designing. How about you?"

"Well, in a week I'm going to start working for Oscorp industries, as Mr. Osborn's new therapist."

Peter put down his menu and met my gaze at me. He wore a calm expression on his face but his eyes gave away that he was everything but calm when it came to that name.

"Harry Osborn?" Peter asked, looking a little uneasy.


"Oh...I thought he was locked up somewhere."

I shrugged my shoulders, looking at me menu.

"Guess not." I said.

Peter hummed before picking back up his menu.

"Well be careful, Ella. Oscorp can be a dangerous work place. Especially if you work for Harry." Peter said.

"You know him? The two of you are friends?"

"Were friends. The things...changed. Harry changed. He's dangerous Ella. Promise me you'll be careful when you're around him."

I looked at him and was surprised at the expression he wore on his face. He was dead serious. I also heard the concern in his voice.

Red As Blood, Black As Night [The Amazing Spider-Man]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz