eighteen: longing

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CW: Sexual assault (grabbing breasts), gun violence, murder, and emotional damage

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CW: Sexual assault (grabbing breasts), gun violence, murder, and emotional damage. I'm sorry in advance.

The Russian is not accurate, I did my best with a language I do not speak.

There's definitely a 28 Days Later reference in here that most people who have seen the movie will catch.

"There is no God and we are his prophets."
- Cormac McCarthy, "The Road"

Their first mission is to find a grocery store, kill anything inside of it, and raid it for non-perishables.

Steve and Bucky carry a duffel bag each, strapped to their chests. Reilly has transferred the contents of their medication and ammo bag into a hiking backpack so that her arms are freed up.

The sky is dark and ominous, a large cloud hanging over the city. The smoke from the burning buildings has blocked out part of the sun, bathing everything in apocalyptic orange glow. As if the zombies weren't enough, Mother Nature just had to shove this right in their faces. She walks between Bucky and Steve, both of them with their weapons at their side. Bucky's strut is calm and confident, yet quiet. Both of them constantly glance from side to side, occasionally crouching down to look underneath cars.

They've been walking for two hours and haven't seen a single human or a zombie.

It's a little eerie.

"Where do you think they are?" Reilly asks.

"Dunno," Steve replies.

He's got his commlink in his ear, attached to Tony and Sam, and a map of where to go in case the connection gets cut. Reilly has no idea how he's able to stay connected with them, but Steve says Tony's a tech wizard. He just makes things happen with "satellites and shit." The answer is good enough for Reilly.

"Do you think they sleep?" Bucky asks. "Like we do?"

"Maybe, I don't even know if they're really dead," Steve replies. "I guess we'll find out when we deliver Mark's head to Bruce Banner."

"Who's that?" Reilly asks.

"He's another doctor, he's been working on this stuff since day one of the outbreak."

Bucky seems uninterested in the conversation, keeping his eye out for potential threats. Reilly's feet are swollen and she's starting to slow down. Steve doesn't miss a beat, stopping right in front of her while Bucky keeps watch.

"Hop up," he orders.

She rolls her eyes.

"I'm fine, Steve. I just need to rest."

"Reilly, I'm not gonna ask you again."

"You're going to carry me for 8 hours?"

"No, Buck and I are gonna swap after four, right Buck."

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