7. The Room of Treasures

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Eve stood still for a moment, thinking and processing her thoughts. Had she really died? Did that accident kill her? Would she even be here if the doctors hadn't been able to bring her back. Her heart sank at the thought. Her mind was racing, and her thoughts blurred together. Her head throbbed she noted as she raised her hand to her forehead in an attempt to dull the pain. This was too much, had she really died?

A sudden cry to her right snapped her out of her daze as she saw a familiar green haired male rush up and begin to bang on the large door. He cried out and yelled in frustration when the door didn't open. Eve looked more closely at the door and saw two open places on either side of the doors, presumably for each key. She guessed that Sinbad was right about the dragon being a boss and having to defeat it before you moved on. 

She could almost see this as a sort of video game, with different levels you needed to pass before you could move on to the next one. She wondered what the other levels of this 'dungeon' would be like...

A low and deep growl could be heard from behind her along with a booming step. Eve turned around only to be met with the king of the dragons glaring down at her and Drakon. Eve looked towards the green haired man and hummed softly to herself, coming to the conclusion that if he hadn't seen her yet, then the dragon king hadn't noticed her either. 

Eve turned away and looked to the other side of the room and her gaze wandered to a sword on the ground, she quickly began to rush over to it, while Drakon fell backwards behind her. He began muttering to himself and she could've sworn she saw him begin crying to himself, something about not wanting to die. 

Eve paid no mind to his cries and focused on reaching the sword. The tremors that echoed throughout the ground from where the dragon king had taken a step knocked off her feet and into the air for a moment. Eve cursed to herself, knowing that if she fell now, she'd never reach the sword in time. Eve flinched and braced for the hard impact of the cold stone floor, but it never came. 

Eve gasped as she felt herself begin to float through the air towards the sword. Though a little taken aback, Eve pushed herself forward and closer towards the sword. She wondered if this odd flying thing was permanent or if it was like her invisibility, but she didn't have time to ponder.

She quickly reached the sword and reached her hand for the hilt, only for it to pass right through. Eve stopped for a moment and wondered if maybe she could uphold her invisibility while also being able to grab the sword. She figured that it was now or never and so, with a hopeful reach, she grasped the handle of the sword and immediately flew back up over the dragon. 

Eve didn't care for being so high up with nothing to stop her from falling, but she pushed her worries aside. Now wasn't the time for her to be scared. Eve noticed Sinbad rushing towards Drakon and took this as her moment of opportunity. She quickly dove down towards the dragon, striking the side of its face with the blade, causing it to divert its attention towards her. The dragon cried out and stomped angrily on the stone, causing more tremors.

Eve quickly flew back down into the trench where Sinbad had moved a not very conscious Drakon and landed around the corner from them. She wasn't exactly sure how she'd done the things she did, and she didn't know if it'd be a good idea to tell anyone yet, so better to try and have less questions asked. 

When she was sure she was where they wouldn't see her right away, she landed softly and calmed down, before beginning to run around the corner in the trenches, stepping over the dead baby dragons and large rocks. 

"Sinbad!" She called, loudly enough for him to hear but quiet enough so that the dragon king wouldn't see them. She quickly reached where they were and stopped to crouch down. Sinbad looked up at her then over to the dragon, then back to her. If he had something to say, he kept quiet, which was just fine for Eve.

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