Ch. 16- A new beginning

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Tails POV... Roughly 2- 2 1/2 years have past since last chapter.

        "That's a lovely choice Sir." The store clerk told Tails the Fox. "Would you like a warranty, for repair or replacement on it?" The clerk asked. "Yes, and just put it in the box." Tails told her with a big and nervous smile on his face. The clerk charges him and puts the ring in its box for him.

        Tails walks out of the jewelery store and takes a deep breath. 'You can do this, Miles!' He incouraged himself. He and Cream the Rabbit have been together for little over 2 years; now he wants her to be Mrs. Cream Prower. 'Now just got to talk to Vanilla.' This is because he already told Vector, Creams step father.

         It's a long walk to Vanilla's house, when he did he knocked on the door before entering. "Tails." Liza greeted him. "Hey Dino girl. Is your mom home." Tails already knew Vanilla was home. "Ya, Ms. Amy too, and Maré!" Liza says pulling Tails into the Living room. "Mom! Tails is here for you!." Liza calls thru the house.

        Amy greets Tails, "Hey, Tails." Tails is greeted by Amy and Marie. "Hey, Amy. How's the little strawberry?" Tails asked. 

        "Asleep." Amy tells him, shifting her arms so he can see the swaddle pink and red baby Hedgehog. It's hard to believe sometimes. "Hello, Tails." Vanilla greeted, bringing in some tea for them. Tails gets right to the point, telling Vanilla that he wants to marry Cream. "That's why I want to be with her. If you let me...?" Liza answered for the girls, "YES!! " 

        Vanilla agreed with her daughter, "However, you should go talk to Shadow about this too." Amy adds in, "Sonic went to go see him later, maby you two can go together?" Tails nods and smile at Amy, while he played with the baby's hands. It hasn't been easy for her, and he knows it's complicated being with Sonic after giving birth to Shadows daughter.

          Tails takes a bus to get to Shadow. On the way he sees advertisements for, Sonic products, and the new game, "Sonic X". Tails smiles at it. After everything Sonic had to retire the whole hero thing because of the abuse he's done to his body and the promise he made. Sonic thru the recent years had developed Runners' Knee, and at one point ripped his ACL. So to make ends meet he's turned his World Ranound name into Commerce, to help take care of Amy and Maré.  

        Tails has done something similar, thru all his contacts he's built a Corporate business. With growing deals every week, and with Cream as head of the Legal department it's on its way to becoming a Corporate Giant.

         Tails starts walking down the stone path, when he runs into Sonic the Hedgehog. "Hey, Tails. What you doing here?" Sonic asked. Sonic is wearing a black suit coat and he has his crutch/cane with him today, must be hurting. 

        "I came to talk to Shadow about this." Tails says holding the box that holds the ring. 

        "You and me both, little bro." Sonic tells him with a smile, "Maybe you'll get more of an answer, than I did?"

         "Having second thoughts?" Tails asked him. 

          "No. I did at first, if it was just the hormones... But I can't deny it anymore. I'm in love with, Ames... I just came to promised Shadow that I be the best husband and father I could be for them." Tails hugs him, and Sonic tells him good luck.

        Tails walks a little more until he came up to a tree, where Shadow was, over looking the pond. "Hey, Shadow." Tails says as he takes a knee, infrount of Shadow's Headstone. "Sonic, came to see you?... Ya. I know, he will do his best, you be impressed how much he's matured these 2 years (two years, since Shadow died) ." Tails is getting chocked up, as he wipes tears away. "The reason I came today is to tell you, I going to ask Cream to Marry me... Ya, Finally!" Tails laughed. "You remember what you told me when I last asked you these questions. I do... Shadow we were never really close like I am with Sonic, but you were someone I could count on solid advice, and you helped me grow. I.." Tails can't hold back the tears anymore. Shadow taught him to be strong when others were weak, even if you were dieing inside too. Something, Tails, needed when he and Cream had their world shaken from the crash.

Tailream Short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora