dulce's arrival

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since I really like the idea that you and Miguel have a cat named Dulce, I'm continuing it in all the oneshots. Here is the story of HOW Dulce joined your family.


y/n's pov:

Sometimes it got bored in the house. When Miguel wasn't home, and I finished all of my work, boredom would always get the best of me.
I did have the reappearing thought of having a child, but it was too early in my life for that. I knew I wasn't ready for one.
Tapping my pen on my desk, I pondered for a moment. Then hit me. I should get a pet.
Miguel would have to say yes to me. I mean, who wouldn't want a pet? Neither of us are allergic. I thought about getting a dog at first, but I realize it would probably be too wild, and Miguel and I have too many fragile things in the house.
I knew that we should get a cat. So, I planned my idea right away. I opened up my laptop and started typing right away on a slideshow presentation.


2nd person pov:

Clasping your hands together, you were super excited to present your reasoning on why you and Miguel should get a cat.
As Miguel exited the kitchen, he crossed his arms. "So, what are you showing me?" He asked you.
"Something very, very cool!" you chirped. You ran up to him and grabbed his arm, pulling him to the living room.
Miguel blushed watching you. You were so adorable when you were excited about something.
Leading him into the living room, you motioned for Miguel to sit down on the couch.
Once he sat down, you turned on the T.V. to which a title slide said, 'Why We Should Get A Cat".
Seeing this, Miguel immediately started laughing. "You want to get a cat, amor?"
"Okay, yes I do, BUT before you say no, let me tell you why we should." Miguel then began to laugh even harder. "No, no I think we should get a cat."
"So.. I made this entire presentation for nothing?" you grumbled. Miguel then stood up and walked up to you. He embraced you into a big heart and chuckled into your ear, "You should've just asked me first."
Exiting the hug, you stomped your foot on the ground. "What are we waiting for? Let's go get a cat!"
Miguel took your hand, and the two of you left the living room.

Once you park your car &
get to the adoption center-

               Stepping out of the vehicle, you smooth out your pants and close the car door.
               You walk around the car and take Miguel's hand. The two of you walk down the street until out of nowhere a man snatches your purse and runs away.
             You and Miguel chase after him, avoiding obstacles and people walking around you. The man with your purse then takes a sharp turn and runs down an empty ally way.
            You realize the ally way is narrow and there's a wall at the end. It was already starting to get dark outside, so you couldn't see much in front of you.
            "You can't hide." Miguel calls out. Then, a swift motion passes by you, but you don't know what it was.
             The man with your purse then screams out in pain. "Over there!" you point to your right, motioning to Miguel that the man was hiding behind a dumpster.
           You and Miguel walk towards the dumpster, and to your surprise, you see a cat with your purse in its mouth.
            It then walks up to you and drops your purse at your feet. "Aww!" you gush, lowering down to pick up your purse.
            "Your cat is freakin' crazy woman!" the man screams. You then look down at the man and see that the cat scratched the man in the eye.
            "Your cat is making my eyeball bleed out! You all are crazy people?" Miguel then walks up closer to the man towering over him. "Ay, no estúpido. Estás muy loco."
           Miguel then picks up the man by the shirt and throws him against the brick wall. "If I were you, I'd get out of her right now." Miguel warns the man.
           The man quickly gets to his feet, and hurriedly runs away, panting hard.
             "Miguel.." Miguel then walks up to you. "Yes?" The corners of your mouth turn upward. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
             He then kisses your head. "I'm thinking exactly what you're thinking."
             "I think we should name the cat Dulce because of how sweet it was to us." Miguel laughs, "Okay then." He bends down and scoops up Dulce into his arms.
             "How about that, huh? You like being naked Dulce?" Dulce meows and rubs up against to Miguel's arm.
           You then start petting the super cute cat too. "Oh my gosh, it's purring!" You squeal.
            "I get this means we have to go get a bunch of cat stuff now," Miguel says, and you nod. "Good thing the store is just down the street," you snicker. You were so excited to welcome the new cat into your family.



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I literally love cats so much.
I am obsessed with this oneshot, do you guys like it too?

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