She pointed at the entrance of the shrine awkwardly and quickly passed in front of her to start walking around the other side.

"Mabel ?" Sam called her when she was halfway.

"Yeah ?" She stops to turn around.

Sam looked at the girl and immediately started to feel bad again. The weight of guilt on her chest grew heavier and her heart began to clench just at the sight of the scars on her face. "Nothing, sorry."

"I don't think it's nothing you-" "Mabel just leave please." She cut her off, snapping slightly causing Mabel to frown.

"You said we knew each other before. So why are you so mean to me ?" She asked, tilting her head to the side trying to figure out what the look on Sam's face meant.

"I'm not mea-" "You are. I can't remember an interaction the two of us had without you rolling your eyes at me." Mabel interrupted, moving towards her.

"You don't understand." Sam shook her head as she took a step back.

"Make me understand then." Mabel added as she continued to move forward. "You are hiding something from me. I know it."

"Why would you be the only one making an effort ? You don't remember me." She responded by rolling her eyes then scoffing before turning around to try and walk away. "That's your problem. Not mine."

Mabel felt something slowly invade her as she clenched her fist turning her knuckles white. She had reached such a level of frustration that she felt like she could explode at any moment.

She had always put up with all of Sam's behavior towards her. She was always so rude to her and Mabel tried to give her time because she could understand that her trust couldn't be earned like that.

But now she was acting offended that she didn't remember her. And when she asked for more explanation, she ran away ? Mabel was more than fed up.

Maybe it was because of the frustration she had felt towards the girl for months. Or stress with Ghostface attacks. Or just her anger. But Mabel violently grabbed Sam by the upper arm to turn her around and face her.

Sam opened her eyes wide when she saw Mabel's darkened eyes on her. She felt a heat rise to her cheeks as she felt how close they were. They were too close.

"If that's my problem. Then say why do you seem to be the only one bothered by the fact that I don't remember you ?" She slipped in a low voice, tightening her grip on her arm, digging her fingers into her skin.

"My problem is that you can't solve yours. And I have to pay a price for your problems with me without even knowing what I've done." She added, leaning down to emphasize her words and Sam swallowed slowly trying to keep her composure.

"So now are you going to explain yourself or are you going to stay silent again and act shitty towards me for no reason ?" She finally said.

"Get off me." Sam spat looking up at Mabel trying to keep her gaze on her eyes.

"Don't act like that with me." She spat back. "I know you're not as tough as you pretend to be, Samantha."

Sam's pupils immediately dilated, there was something about the way the girl pronounced her name that made her shiver down her spine.

Mabel released slowly her arm and ran a frustrated hand through her hair to brush back her bangs looking away with a heavy breath. "And don't roll your eyes at me, please."

She didn't have time to answer that Gale suddenly arrived behind Mabel, who at her sight huffed and immediately left to return to the shrine.

Sam watched her leave before refocusing on Gale.

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