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"Your eyes will deflate and you will be able to see better tomorrow morning." The girl announced, passing the towel over the corner of her eyes one last time.

"Thanks Anika." She mumbled looking up at her.

"You look so goofy your face swells up like that." She chuckled. "Go ahead give me a smile."

Mabel gave her a toothy grin. And Anika lightly nudged her shoulder before laughing causing the brunette to giggle as well. 

"Here you go." Sam put the blankets on an armchair next to Anika and Mabel who were sitting on the couch.

She walked into the kitchen after being called by Mindy. Mabel immediately turned her head to follow her walk away with her eyes.

Chad Tara Mindy and Sam were in the kitchen talking while Anika was reading her book and Mabel was silently watching TV.

"Guys. What the hell." Anika leaned over and grabbed the remote to turn up the volume.

The four came out of the kitchen and looked at the news that said Sam was the prime suspect to be Ghostface.

"Can I-" She pointed at the remote. "Like-" She and Anika awkwardly struggled with their hands and Mabel finally grabbed it to turn off the TV.

Sam sighed and went to sit down at the table. Tara joining her silently. Mindy and Chad followed them, Mindy pulling Mabel with her to sit next to her.

"Hey, hey. Just a reminder..." Chad started to say as he sat down. "Not a single person in this room hate you."

Sam watched Mabel sit up and watched her profile as she listened to what Chad was saying.

"We all went through some fucked up stuff..."

Everyone turned to Mabel and she giggled nervously. "Don't look at me like thra guys, I don't even remember what happened at the hospital. It's like super blurry."

Sam looked down and tucked her lower lip between her teeth remorsefully.

"Hold on. Like anything at all ?" Mindy frowned.

"I just remember having to change hospitals. But Woodsboro. Nothing at all." She shrugged.

"Okay, but the point is. We are coping with it differently. But I mean, we moved here together for one specific reason." Chad finally said.

Mindy nodded slowly with a small smile to emphasize his words.

"We are a team." He announced, leaning forward with his elbow.

Sam smiled slightly as she looked at Chad and then Mindy.

"We are..." Mindy wiggles her finger enthusiastically. "Th core fucking four."

"Thank you very much." He quickly turned to Mindy with a proud smile.

"I hate myself." She exclaimed shaking his hand.

Mabel took advantage of the attention on the twins to slip away from the table and start heading for the door. Anika immediately looked up from her book and frowned.

"Where are you going ?" She asked suspiciously.

"I'll go get Dipper. I don't want anything to happen to him." She responded by grabbing the doorknob.

"The big cat ?" She raised an eyebrow at the thought of the fat cat who is always  lying on Mabel's couch.

"He's not big." She pointed menacingly at her, before finally leaving to go to her apartment just across the hall.

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