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Harry's pov

I gripped Bella's frail wrists, jerking her out of the elevator. She tried to glare at me, but I could easily see the fear in her.

"Where is Dani.."

I growled at her. Bella reached her hand out toward me, caressing my curls.

" you don't need her, I can give you everything "

She whispered into my ear.

I play along hoping she will give me answers.

" your right " I whisper back, placing my hand on her but pulling her in close.


She mumbles, then giggles.

"Let's just say, your old friend grant, needed someone "

At that very moment my heart turned stone cold.


It can't be

The grant

The grant who kidnapped and raped Gemma when i was 10.

A cold shiver ran through my body remembering that very day.

I couldn't do anything.

I couldn't save her.

Tears stung my eyes and my fists where clenched. I roughly but still gently removed Bella from my arms. I turned and headed toward the staircase door.

Dani's pov

I spotted a open window and climbed through. Right as I was on the verge of freedom jakes hands gripped my arms so fierce fully , I screamed.

As jake carried my quivering body back into the hell of a room. Grant was sitting on the bed.

" c'mon babe! Don't tell me you didn't enjoy last night. I certainly loved it"

His voice repeatedly rung in my ear. As I was set, more of dropped, onto the floor. Jake began to tie my feet and hands together, but know with zip ties.

" hey jake, you should try her sometime"

My heart froze, I felt disgusting.

I can't believe people are this...this... Gahghhhhhh I can't think of a word so awful as them.

" anybody close to Harry is quite a babe"

Jake laughed.

"Just like that Gemma"

He stated, smirking to himself.


Gemma ?

Like Harry's sister ?!

OMG what freaks !!

" what the hell did you do to Harry's sister ?!"

I screamed so loud it hurt my own ears.

" Jesus ! Cam your tits. It was a long time ago. We eventually let the little brat go after we wore her out. We told her if she said anything we would get her mum. And even today she still hasn't told"

Grant said, smirking toward me.

" unfortunately Harry knows what happened. He was there when we took her. He told the police many times, but good little gem said it never happened "

Jake stated. Before walking out the door.

"Harry's coming for me"

I whispered to grant, not intending for him to hear it. But he must have be amuse he chuckled.

" silly girl. Oh and bye the way. Be ready for round two tonight"

He said following jake out the door, slamming it shut.

I lay on the co crest floor shivering to myself.

I'm getting out.

Tonight !


I know I know. I gave up on the story. But I decided to write again to see if I wanted to continue. Honestly I don't even know what to write about :( gahghhhh I'm such a bad writer. I'm not even going to proof read this. Whoops. Thanks for reading ♥

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