Part 35 - Treatment

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Lyndy's POV

"You'll do great, okay? If you feel like crap, just call me. I'll be over to do... something to make you feel better." Nat said as I paced around my bedroom. I shake my head. "I'm not nervous for the treatment, well I am, but that's not why I'm pacing." I said, checking my phone. Nat's eyebrows creased, then she grinned. "Wilson said he'd be here, right?" She said, nodding her head towards my phone. I nod, blushing slightly. "He's nice, but I've only started to talk to him. We've gotten far with Ash, maybe I can sneak a few sessions in while GG is out or herding the cattle with Grandpa. I hope I can, anyway." I say with a quick shrug. "I was really hoping he'd be here..." I added, quieter this time. Nat nodded. Just as she nodded, the was a knock on the door before it pushed inwards, reveling Wilson's smiling face. I could feel my face turn a deep red. Nat sniggers quietly, covering her face. Wilson walks in, obviously unaware of what we had just said. "How are you doing?" He asks, sitting next to Nat on the bed. I shrugged, sitting on my desk chair. "I've to go in a bit, a half hour. I'm not too nervous, but that will change as soon as they start putting my port in. I'll freak out then." I admit. Wilson nods while Nat comes up with something to say. "Lynx, you'll do great. You will kick this cancer's ass so hard it won't come back." Nat says, oddly reassuringly. Wilson nods, standing up. "Plus, once you reach the five year remission milestone, there's a super slim chance of it coming back, and I know you'll reach the five years." He says, and I become very aware of how close we've gotten. I feel my face heating up again. Nat clears her throat. "Are we texting you through your chemo today?" Wilson turns red too, backing away from me. I nod. "If you want to, I'm not gonna force you." Nat raised her eyebrows, looking very doubtful. "I don't mind! I'm hardly going to ship you off to Cross Bow and not text you!" She said, rolling her eyes as though it was an obvious answer. It was, really, I just wanted to stop a very awkward conversation between the three of us. "Wilson? How about you?" Nat asked, watching him shrug. "Yeah, sure! T-that is if you want me too...?" He glanced at me, and I nod vigorously. Nat rolls her eyes, smiling and pulls out her phone. "Will I make a group chat? That way you don't have to keep switching from me to Wilson." I glance at Wilson, shrugging while he nodded. "Sure, do you have my number?" He asked, and Nat nodded. "From when we did a project in school." She clarified, seeing the confusion on both our faces. "Lyndy? It's almost time to go! They want to do some tests before your chemo!" Lou shouted up the stairs to me. I looked at the clock. "She's leaving early." I groaned. Nat stood up, giving me a hug. "You'll do great." She whispered in my ear. I could hear the tears in her voice, watching her swipe away at them when she pulled back. She glanced at Wilson, smiling gently. "I'll wait downstairs." And with that, she had left. Wilson walked up to me, wrapping me in a gentle hug. "I'm only a phone call away, you know. If you need anything." He whispered, his chin on my head. He was a couple of inches taller then me, but not by too much. I nodded against his chest. I pulled back with watery eyes. "Thank you." I whispered, hugging him again. I sniffed and this time, he pulled back. "Let's go, I'm pretty sure Lou will come up if we don't go down." I say with a small smile. He nods, lacing his fingers through mine, while I rested my head on his shoulder. He lead me out of the room and down the stairs. This was really real, I was going for chemotherapy.


I was sitting in a comfy armchair, in a small room. There were three other chairs around me but only one was occupied, and the girl in it was asleep. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Nat and Wilson.

Lyndy: Hey, anyone able to text?

Wilson: Hey, yeah of course! How are you feeling?

Nat: How's it going so far?

Lyndy: It's not too bad, I don't feel crappy yet but the nurse said it might take a few days.

Wilson: That sucks... I could come over tomorrow if you want? Keep you company since you mightn't be able to go out?

Nat: Yeah, we'll be your entertainment!

Lyndy: You don't have to do that, I might just sleep the whole day and miss you both.

Nat: That's okay, if you sleep, you sleep

Wilson: You need rest anyway, we can always head off if you get too tired or feel too sick

Lyndy: Okay, if you're both sure...

Nat: I'm sure

Wilson: 100%

Lyndy: One sec, nurse.

I clicked my phone off as the nurse came up to me. "Hey there Lyndy, my name is Nurse Cassie, can I get you anything?" She asked. I shrugged. "I guess not. Do you know when my next appointment will be?" I asked her. She checked some notes on a clipboard before nodding. "You'll have your appointments on Mondays. Is that everything?" She asked, and I hesitate. "Would it... Is it possible to have friends over? Like, in the room with me during chemo?" I ask. Cassie, flicking through her notes, shrugs. "That's a good question. I'll ask Dr Harvey, don't want to get you or your friends in trouble." She smiled, speed walking off. I smile, taking my phone back out, text the group for another while before getting too tired to. I yawned, leaning back in my chair. I was just about to fall asleep when I hear Cassie clear her throat. "Sorry to disturb you Lyndy, but I got an answer from Harvey." She smiled, watching my eyes shoot open. I smile, waiting for her to tell me. "You can have one friend or family member over for each session. It probably will be extended to two in a few weeks, nearing the end of your chemo, but it's always best to start small." She smiles, waving as she leaves again. I yawn, snuggling into the chair. I'll tell them later, I thought to myself, feeling my head float comfortably into sleep.

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