Untitle4 - Disaster and a second meeting

Start from the beginning

{Recover all skills and resistances before evolving...success}

{Acquired a new core skill......Infinite Regeneration......Demon Lord's Haki......Umbre Sensing......Umbre Thought......Successfully completed}

{Acquisition of new resistances...Natural element nullification...Unnatural state nullification...Resistance to demonic-divine attack...Spiritual attack resistance...Successful}

{Evolution of the unique skill [Wrath] into the ultimate skill [Wrath Lord Satan]..... Successfully completed

{evolution completed}

{Unique Skill Report [Great Sage] Solicits the Voice of the World for Evolution}

{The request of the tyrannical sage has been approved}

{The great sage tries to develop...... fail.... re-implement... fail...... redo...... fail..... redo... fail. ......restart......fail......restart......fail}

{Fusion of the unique skill [Ruthless] with [Great Sage]......Received the Gift of the Harvest Festival......Execution process}

This is for an unimaginable event too. It seems as if the reward of endless attempts to evolve

{done successfully}

{Unique Aura [Great Sage] evolved into the ultimate skill [Knowledge Queen Athena]}

The voice of the Mechanic Realm rang in the heads of the people of this world, making them realize that they had caused the birth of two Demon Lords.

After some moments, my sister Milim and I met each other, and we were both under the influence of the ultimate skill [Wrath Lord Satan], which caused a relentless fight.

After about half a day, Milim was finally able to hit me with a fatal blow, but I managed to avoid him, but it pierced my stomach.

But fortunately for me, the blow did not reach my heart, otherwise I would have died

And then the master of the two devils, Guy, and my aunt Villzard, and my aunt Vilgrind, and my uncle Rudra and Ramires, arrived at the battlefield, which had turned into ruins as a result of the fighting between us.

And then they noticed Milim that pierced my stomach in the sky so my aunt rushed and picked me up before I fell to the ground while Guy and the rest tried to stop Milim

The blow was so strong that it made the effect of the ultimate skill [Wrath Lord Satan] wear off and I saw my aunt who was begging me to hold on while Ramires was healing me.

I knew I wasn't going to die but I had a bad feeling that made me speak up

"Aunt I will be away for some time, so I want you to take care of my sister Milim until then... and to take care of my body because I will not die." I said while looking at my aunt's crying face

"What are you saying, hold on, we'll heal you right away," my aunt said, but I started to close my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see a place that was getting darker whenever he was there

"Here we meet again, Tatsumi Ayame, or should I call you Feldona Nava now?" It was the voice of someone I knew well who spoke.

So, he turned towards the black-haired man with red locks with bloodshot eyes who had a devilish smile on his face

"Looks like you didn't get tired of me punching you last time, Evaraj" I said while smiling at the person standing in front of me

Let's prepare for the first meeting

I looked at the man and started laughing

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, do you think I'm a three-year-old to believe you, or do I sound too naive to you?" I said, turning into an ice-cold face.

The second daughter of Veldnava, the personification of disasterWhere stories live. Discover now