Chapter one

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Thrid person pov

Mary was sitting on her throne with a five year old mikie sitting by her side and a six year old lola walked in with her mother then lola sat infront of mikie then they where talking then there was another girl named pervati she was mikie twin then mary said mikie pervati please come here then they walked over they said in unison yes mother mary smiled then lola was by mikie side the three of them are stamding there and mary said you guys are going to hogwarts then mikie and pervati along with lola they where confused then mary said right then she said not until your 12 years of age then they smiled and now they went back to playing then pervati looked at here twin and said what ever happens we stick together then mikie nodded then after that they left to dinner then mary was fixing mikie hair while one of her servants where fixing pervati hair amd lola mother was fixing her hair then she said ok off to bed you three

Mary pov

I am sleeping in my room when my door opens and i see mikie looking at me then i saw the fear in his eyes then i got out of my bed I didn't care about lack of clothing cause all i had was my underwear and my bra then i said baby are you ok then he said no then i sighed and said come climb in bad with mommy then we got in bed and my son went sleep i wrapped my arms around mikie cause gets scared more then his twin sister and now i looked at him and i saw a scar on his right shoulder blade then i moved out of bed i put one of my dresses on my child and he was still asleep with his thumb in his mouth then i put my other dress with my bow on my back and a dagger in its sheath and i walked while putting my hair up and i kicked in my ex boyfriend's mother door and shot a arrow in her shoulder then fransies and bash walked in and said mary what are you doing i said to lillian why then she said what ever are talking about then i said stop hidding i am sick and tired of having to live in my home where i am soppoused to feel safe where my children are soppused to feel safe then she said you figured it out then i said yeah i did then i heard mommy then I turned around and saw mikie holding a knife then i put my bow along with the arrow on my back and walked and got to my knees and said baby can i have the knife then i slowly took the knife and handed it to francies then i picked up mikie then i hugged him with tears going down my eyes and i held him then i looked at him and said lets go to bed ok he nodded then we got to my room and i put him in my bed and he turned and faced the wall so i took my dress off and climbed into bed with my son then i laid him on my chest and he curled his hand on my bra strap then i heard a soft snor then i knew he was alseep then i smiled rubbed his little back then my eyes closed

12 years later

Mikie pov

I was walking with my twin then i heard hey what up then lola was there then the three of us walked and put our luggage onto the train then mom called us over and said now you both be good ok then we nodded and now i am sitting and lola came in and said can i sit here then i nodded and now we are talking then we saw the castle then i sighed and said my castle is better then lola grabbed my arm and we sat on the boats then lola me and pervati sat there then we got to the castle and we are meet with a older witch then i thought wow ok now what then she said what here then we all waited and someone said so it is true what they said on train then he said harry and lindsay potter have come to hogwarts then he stepped up to this boy and I stepped up behind him then he said this grabbe and goyal an i am malfoy draco malfoy then i heard a snicker then he looked at the boy with red hair then he was about to say something but i said shut up blondie cause no wants to hear you mouth then he looked at me and said who are you then i said mikie sturt then he looked at me and said right then pervati raised a eyebrow and i said watch it malfoy cause i already dont like you then lola was rubbing my arm and then we walked into the great hall then i was looking around and i heard mikie stuart then i walked to the stool and the hat said slythrein then i jumped down

Parvati pov

I was sitting at the griffindor table and mikie was at the Slytherin table and lola was at the ravenclaw table then i was talking to harry and we saw mikie talking to lindsay then we saw lola talking to pedma petail then we all got up and now we are going to our common rooms and i was now in my room then i wrote a letter to my twin and he sent one back then i went to sleep and woke the next morning now i walked down to great hall then i saw mikie and lola then i walked over and now we saw malfoy and i said to mikie what then he said flying lessons are today ok then i smiled cause my twin was great at flying then lola smiled then i thought i have a feeling that those two are going to get together then i smiled and mikie said oh no i know smile then i said what smile then lola said the smile that says let make this day eventfully then i shook my head and now we walked into the great hall and now we went to are respectfully tables and i saw mikie talking to three more people then i heard owls then i looked at mikie amd mouthed mail then mikie egale owl drop his letters

Mary sturt nephew/son حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن