Who is the New Ace Striker? (Part 1)

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(Hello everybody!! Sorry for the long wait, I decided to do this chapter in two parts because things got a bit complicated in this chapter so I hope you'll enjoy reading guys. Happy reading everybody!!)

Third's pov

The soccer team of Raimon Eleven and Hakuren, Raimon managers and Coach Hitomiko are at the Hakuren soccer field, all except for one. 

"Starting today, we'll be practicing with Fubuki. We'll definitely win against Aliea Gakuen this time!", Endou declared with determination. "And in order to do that, we'll train harder than before and-" then Endou stopped talking when he saw something. "Yo!"

Yuri and Lucky turned around behind them and so is the rest of the Raimon team soon to see Fubuki arrived, wearing the Raimon soccer uniform of number 9.

"Sugoi! It looks good on you Fubuki-kun!", Konko complimented Fubuki with amazement. 

"You look cool!", Seiya complimented too. 

"Thanks guys", Fubuki replied to his fellow Hakuren teamates. "Now I'm a member of Raimon Eleven. I promise to protect Hakuren Junior High whatever I can."

Yuri nodded in approval of Fubuki's words with a smile. 'That's good to hear from him with determination.

Endou pats his shoulder. "That's the spirit!" 

"So what are we practicing?", Fubuki asked. 

"The team will be splitted into two teams, Red and White. We'll be working on some combinations while each side switches between offenses and defenses", he explained.

"That sounds like fun", said Fubuki with a smile.

"Fubuki", Hitomiko called him, making him turned his attention to her. "I want you to act as a forward." 

"Me a forward?", Fubuki asked.

"Yes. Is there a problem?"

Fubuki shooked his head. "No none." Unknown to him, Someoka tched while glaring daggers at him.

Yuri already noticed Someoka's bitterness before seeing him glaring at Fubuki. 'He may have still being bitter to Fubuki, but at least he's tolerating it in order for Gouenji to come back.' She turned her head at Fubuki and Hitomiko. 'I have a hunch that pretty soon Fubuki will transform back into a different person again just like yesterday', she hummed in thought. 'Something tells me there's something more about him. I should keep a good eye on him.

"Ne Yuri, are you okay?", Haruna asked, making Yuri pulled out of her thoughts. 

"Uh yes. Why did you ask?"

"Well, you seem to be in a lot of thought while staring at Fubuki and Hitomiko."

"Oh well, I'm just wondering Fubuki might show his great strength again just like before."

"Oh I see." 

Yuri looked back at Fubuki again, then at Hitomiko. 'Hitomiko nee-san must have decided to put him in forward position to see how he'll act in the practice match or she needed him to practice as a forward.'

Everybody has already been put into positions of the two teams. As for Yuri, she's in the white team with Domon, Someoka, Ichirouta, Touko and Kabeyama. Because of that reason, she wore a different Raimon soccer uniform. Soon, everybody noticed that the numbers of two teams are odd.

"The numbers are not equal in both teams", said Aki.

"Hmmm, what should we do?", Endou wondered, scratching his head. 

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