Break up

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I stood in the kitchen making some dinner after netball. Mum was sat at the table in the back room working.

"Mum, do you want any of this lasagne?" I called through to her.

"No, I'm alright my girl. I ate with the girls earlier." She replied. I heard the door of the back room open and then Peter's voice talking to Mum. I finished making my lasagne before serving it on a plate and walking through to the back room, where Mum sat and Peter stood opposite her, both of them staring at each other in silence.

"Hi Orla love." Peter said, not taking his eyes off Mum to look at me.

"Hi, you alright?" I asked, sitting down at the table beside Mum so I could see them both, there was definitely something going on between them. Things hadn't really been ok since Peter and Abi had shared a kiss a few months ago. The tension in the house, sometimes was unbearable.

"Not really." He replied.

"Oh, stop acting like a child Peter." Mum snapped at him.

"No, I will not. Because in the same way that you chose to raise your daughter in a certain way, I feel the same about my son." Peter snapped back to Mum.

"Shall I remind you that I have come closer to losing my child than you have Peter? I nearly lost Isla. I came so close to losing her. Do you want to know why I nearly miscarried our daughter? Because I had some very bad news." Mum said, calmly.

"I knew this was coming. Ok, come on, come on if its gonna make you feel better." He said, slightly raising his voice.

"If it would make me feel better?" Mum shouted back.

"You know what I mean." Peter said.

"No, I'm not entirely sure that I do." Mum replied.

"You never miss an opportunity to rip into me so come on." Peter said, clearly trying to wind Mum up about something even more than she already was.

"I nearly miscarried because of Tina McIntyre." Mum began.

"And I've said I'm sorry a thousand times." Peter said as Mum continued,

"A twenty-three-year-old barmaid you were planning to run away with while I was carrying your child."

"She led me on, and you know it." Peter and both Mum and I rolled our eyes.

"Oh, listen my apologies, I forgot you were powerless." Mum said. I laughed slightly but the chewing of my food managed to cover it.

"And if it was so unforgiveable then how come you wanted to get back with me?" he paused, "Ha." He said abruptly. Mum looked up from the table. She was really not happy now.

"Ha? So, in other words you don't think I have the right to mention it?" Mum said.

"I didn't say that." Peter told her.

"I didn't realise it was a condition of us getting back together that I could never mention the fact that we nearly didn't have Isla or the barmaid that you were knocking off behind my back." Mum said. I saw in that moment how much this was hurting her. Granted Isla was ok now, and the rest of Mum's pregnancy went smoothly, but she did almost lose her. There was a big chance that the stress of everything that happened could have caused Mum to miscarry Isla. But she was strong. She held on and we couldn't be without her now.

"Ok, I'm gonna go to work." Peter said, getting up from the arm of the chair and grabbing his coat.

"You know your problem, Peter; you've always got some other woman at the forefront of your mind. Back then it was Tina, then it was Abi. I remember once upon a time it was me. It was me." Mum shouted as Peter left the room, slamming the door behind him. She took a deep breath, and I reached my hand across the table to hold onto hers. Once she'd taken a few deep breaths, I let go of her hand and said,

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