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TW-this is Carla's suicide attempt chapter

"Do you think she's up to it? Seeing the girls?" I asked Peter as I stood at the bottom of the stairs at Roy's. Mum had been out of hospital for two days now. I hadn't told them about Mum being found yet, or being in hospital, because I knew that Isla would have questions that I didn't know how to answer. They didn't even know Peter was back, from rehab, I didn't know what to say to her about that either.

"Isla maybe? I don't know how she'd react to Tala, if she cried." He said.

"And Ella?" I asked. "I think Ella would just want to cuddle her." I said.

"Yeah, I think she'd like to see the big two, maybe hold off on Tal, Kate could always have her down here, in case she does want to." Peter said. "Have you thought about what you're going to say to them? About where she's been?"

"Not yet, I'll think of something." I said. "Thank you, Peter, for looking after her. I know it isn't easy."

"The big thanks goes to you, you've looked after the girls for months now. Thank you, Orla." He said, smiling.

"So, Islie, you remember that Mummy was playing hide and seek, and we had to find her?" I said to her as I sat on the sofa with her the following morning.

"Yeah, did we find her? Are we the winners?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah, we did find her, but because Mummy was playing for such a long time, now, she's really tired. And when you're really tired, it can make you a bit poorly. But I know that you and Ella really want to see Mummy." I tried to explain.

"Yeah, we do, we really do, don't we Ella?" Isla said tapping Ella's hand. She was sat on my lap, partly listening to what I was saying, but not understanding.

"Ok, well if you two get your shoes on, then we'll go over to Roy's and see Mummy." I said. The three of us got up and while Isla got her shoes on, I helped Ella with hers.

"What about Tala? Orla is Tala coming?" Isla asked.

"Not today, Islie. Tal might see Mummy another day, she's just having her sleep. Grampy is going to stay here with her." I said, pointing to Johnny, who was sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and the newspaper. He wasn't reading it, I could tell, he had too much on his mind, but he kept the perception there for the girls. We said goodbye to Johnny and then walked down to Roy's. Roy was in the café and told us to go up.

"Remember Islie, she might not be feeling very well." I said to Isla as she walked up the stairs in front of me. She nodded as she knocked on the door of Roy's flat. Peter came and opened the door. Isla walked in, while Ella followed behind me, holding onto my hand.

"Carla, look who it is." Peter said, winking at me. Isla walked over to the sofa where Mum was sat.

"Hi Mumma," Isla said confidently, I could see her face light up as she saw Mum in front of her, after so long. That was how I felt as well. It dropped, when Mum didn't reply, and Isla turned and looked at me.

"Hey Mum, look, Isla and Ella are here. They've come to see how you are." I said, as I sat down on the sofa beside her. Ella walked over to Mum and lent over, resting her head on Mum's knee. Isla shuffled back until she sat on my lap. With one hand, Mum gently stroked Ella's hair as it lay sprawled out across her knees and with the other, she reached over and held onto Isla's hand.

"We left Tally at home Mummy; she's having her sleep." Isla said after a few moments of silence. For the first time, Mum looked up and Isla smiled. Mum faintly smiled back to her. "We really missed you Mumma, and Orlie said soon you'll be able to come home." She continued. Mum nodded a little.

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