Stranger in the woods

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In the universe, there are endless stars that are yet to be discovered...

Endless worlds that are yet to be explored...

Full of stories that are yet to be told...

A young man walked through a forest that resembles the shimmering hue of precious stones of a cave. His lustrous snowy-white hair glew a soft teal underneath the light, unkempt and messy. His cautious steps caused a slight crunched on the fallen leaves underneat his worned and tattered brown boots. His light gray coat flutters slightly as the breeze pass through the evening light casted by the lustering moon above.

His golden eyes scanned his surroundings. Seemingly trying to spot a specific item from the environment around him.

'I know its around here somewhere...'

The evernight bloom. A rare flower with only four petals altogether, shimmering and growing only during the night as its name has described.

And by his timing and proper observations of the cycles, it was said to be fully bloomed only by tonight. Now at present.

The white-haired young man treaded through the slippery slopes, almost falling himself. And through the endless glowing trees underneath the moonlight.

Securing his bag, he then stumbles upon his destination. A small clearing of a field filled with the very flower he was looking for. A smile formed on his lips at the marvelous sight of the flowers that resembles the endless sea of stars in the sky.


But just as he was about to approach, a small yelp was then heard from him as he slipped into a puddle.

"Ugh...What the..."

He winced, feeling a tingle of pain from his bottom, before feeling a slight damp on his hands. He brought his arm to his field of vision, wanting to inspect the substance that he fell on.


'What...? Who...who does this belong to...?' His hands trembled as his thoughts grew. His instincts had caused him to be on guard, searching through his surroundings for any signs of a possible threat. However, he was only met with silence with an occationally sounds of the forest creatures that rests nearby.

He glanced at the puddle and the now dried blood on his hand. His golden hues narrowed slightly as he observes, the blood was fresh, which means that whoever it belong to, was not that further away from him.

His logic told him to ignore the dread he was feeling, that it could had the possibility of that the blood could had belong to a wild animal that fought with a predator. But he chose to hide away such thoughts, since he knew the harst truth.

It was the blood of a person.

'They...must be injured...'

As soon as he had gathered his thoughts and resolution, He quickly stood up and looked at his surroundings, purposely putting his gathering for the evernight bloom on hold.

His sharp gaze soon notice the barely visible trail of blood, and the disturbance on the ground showing the recent foot prints of what seems to be a pair of boots and the paws of a huge beast.


His eyes landed on a small amount of blood that was even splashed on the four-petaled flowers.

'Seeing how the stain is still damp, that person may have not gone too far.'

The young man started sprinting, his excellent vision quickly following the trail, even slightly flinching when a branch scratched his cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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