Dustin appeared behind her, his eyes widened at her reaction to it. "Do you think you can give me that? I have to put it back outside, sorry." he said, taking the spider from her hands and leaving the hallway to throw it outside.

I stood up, rubbing my shin, slightly annoyed at how this so-called prank turned out. "That's why you couldn't sleep in the room tonight, KIlli," I told her, giving a smile.

"You," she said, pointing at me. "When did you, of all people, become mischievous? I can understand Dusty and even Tal, but, you?" she exclaimed, waving her hands in excitement. "Oh, think of all the pranks we can play! We'll be unstoppable! The Prankster Sisters! I can see it now!" she cheered, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

I stared at her in shock. "Uh, no, no, I just wanted to help Dusty out, so," I explained quickly and slightly ashamed. I felt Talon's stare on the back of my head, but I just grabbed ahold of the hem on my shirt and ignored it. I waved at Dustin's return, giving him a weak smile.

"Aw, but, it was fun? Wasn't it exhilarating? Sneaking around and having something successful?" she taunted, studying me intently.

"I, uh, yeah I guess," I admitted sheepishly. "I mean, you're acting like I flung myself off a building and almost died."

"So, Lucy, what are you afraid of, hmm?"

I gave a yelp and leaned forwards, spinning around to see Talon standing there innocently, looking at the ceiling as if nothing happened. I hesitantly touched my shoulder, glaring at him. "Don't do that again. You'll never find out anyways." I snapped, crossing my arms.

"Sure I will." he replied back confidently.

Yeah, as if. I'll prank him again with Killian before he'll even find out what I'm afraid of.


I yawned, my eyes wandering around the field, my back against the bark of the tree, Killian going on and on about some kind of flower she saw around here recently. "Is that so?" I asked her, trying to get myself into the conversation.

"You're not even listening. It's not my fault the guys take so long to get here." she whined, twirling the flower she had between her fingers. "Look at it! It's yellow and orange and red! Like fire! I wonder if I can name it.." she trailed off, staring at the flower intently.

I turned to glance at the flower, studying it as she had it in her hands. "It is pretty. How about.." I paused for a moment, staring at it's colors, how the petals curled under the flower itself. "What about Wildfire flower?" I chimed in hopefully.

She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye, thinking. "I like it, no wait, I love it!' she exclaimed, taking the flower and putting it behind her ear, her hair tucking it into place. "Wildfire flower. Sounds so exciting!"

I nodded, becoming even more annoyed at the two boy's lateness. "Are you sure they didn't get lost?"

"Hey! We're here!" Dustin exclaimed, running towards us, holding flowers. Talon followed right behind him.

"Took you both long enough. Why'd you become the flower boy all the sudden, Dusty?" Killian taunted, standing up and stretching.

He looked down, surprised, as if he forgot he was carrying a untidy amount of flowers. "Oh! These? I wanted to put them wherever we were going to give our respects."

I nodded and stood up as well, revealing the makeshift grave Killian and I had made for the two. "We really didn't know what they liked so.." I trailed off quietly.

Traveling SoulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora