Chapter 11- Cragger

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Chapter 11-Cragger

I woke up to a loud thud that shook the floor, waking everyone else up too. I sat up in panic thinking there was an earthquake and I frantically climbed over Laval to try and get to cover. When I got under the bed I heard Lavertus over the Intercom: "This is your captain speaking, sorry for the rude awakening but we have just landed in a large grassy plain 50,000 feet below Chima, 17 miles away from our destination, the city of Tetsu'Aagra, and 3 miles away from an old fortress where we're setting up camp. For the foreseeable future, welcome to your new home. Exits are to the right and watch your step."

Laval got up and tried to pull me out from under the bed, "C'mon Cragger! We're here!" He said excitedly, gathering our stuff. I crawled out from under the bed and dusted the wood and metal shavings from the newly constructed aircraft off of me, I slipped on my clothes and armor I had with me and made my way down the aisle outside.

I thought we had been waken up in the early morning since it was still dark out, but I couldn't see the moon, and the sky was bright, I then noticed Laval looking up at the sky and standing still. I saw what he was looking at, it was a giant floating landmass that blocked out the sun and the sky. I went up to Laval and he said something to himself. "I don't remember Cavora being that big."

"I don't think that's Cavora, I think that's Chima." I replied

He opens his mouth to say something but nothing come out, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of Chima's shadow, where the rest of the ships had landed so we could help unload the vehicle. We got a couple of Speedorz out and went to search for Eris, who we had found with Kyten and Lavertus.

"So that's where we're going? Up there?" Eris asked

"Yep. Before we moved up to Chima this was a massive fortress built by an invading army, that was a long, long time ago though. There shouldn't be anything left in it though." He explained to her

"Well let's go check it out." She turned her head to address us."You two coming?" She asked me and Laval.

"Sure." We said in unison. Lavertus then spoke up and grabbed Laval's shoulder

"He's not, we need to go gather and arm the troops. We're out in the open here and anything could happen."

"Alright then, Cragger and Kyten can come with me then. In case there is anyone there that might not be friendly we need to make sure since we're this close to them." Eris said as we climbed on a lion tank and headed off.

Kyten stood on the front and slashed at little branches and leaves low enough to hit us. He ran his hand along the curved half of his metal staff and it turned into a blade, his hand had a long gash along it.

"What was that?" I asked

"A talent of my people, an inherent connection to building and magic. I learned to control metal and channel it through my staff." He explained to me while still cutting.

"Why'd you cut your hand, Doesn't that hurt?" I asked, staring at the wound while it was already closing

"Because I'm attuned to metal manipulation, I need a steady supply to use my magic. So I use the iron in my blood, others like me have an increased iron supply in their bloodstream and even their bones and feathers start to turn to metal, but that's usually only the case for highly advanced users." He explained.

"Don't you need that iron to live? Can't you run out?" Eris asked.

"Well yes but the extra iron is purely for this purpose, for one off uses and convenience. Apprentices like me usually just use what's around them for when they need too. Since a lot of Chima is in ruins I use those whenever I'm in trouble." He went off to Eris on.

"Can others learn how to do that?" I asked.

"Well yes but it is more difficult the older you start, you two look around nineteen so I doubt you can now. since your lot are down here for Resegidis you'll probably go to Tetsu'Aagra for any help or supplies you need. If you care to try and learn a thing or two, my teacher teaches at an academy there. If you ever find yourselves there, check it out sometime." He said

"I doubt we'll be down here long enough for that, it's just a here and back mission." Eris explained

"There's no reason not to stay here, or at least visit once in awhile. There's a lot to learn and explore here on Chima, I think you'd like it." Kyten said, starting to sound a little pushy.

"Some of the others might come back if they can but I don't know if I will, I prefer my home where I'm familiar with everything." Eris told him.

"If you say so, I hope you do reconsider though, you'd be missing out on a whole new world or three." He said, sounding hopeful

"I think we're here!" I said as we approached a clearing. There were a few people with guns standing around a couple buildings and the entrance to the massive structure. Eris greeted them over the loud speaker on the tank and then they started shooting.

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