Chapter 7- Eris

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Chapter 7- Eris

Note: anytime a chapter has a character's name in it, that chapter will be told from their perspective

When I stepped outside the light blinded me and everyone from in the marketplace was gone, I couldn't have been in there long and there's no way they could all clear out that fast. I decided to go up to the bridge and fly the rest of the way to eagle spires. On my way up the stairs I saw Razar hunched over looking around cautiously like he's sneaking around. He ran into me and jumped back so far he almost went up the whole staircase.

"Ahhh! Eris, I didn't see you there." He said while trying to catch his breath. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Likewise Razar." I said sternly. "What are you doing, sneaking around down here anyways?"

"Oh me? I just got word of a room dedicated to Chima's history so I thought I'd brush up a bit on my ancestors." He said like he was trying to brush me off.

I stuck out my arm to keep him from passing. "And could you tell me more about this room you speak of?" I asked trying to call his bluff

"I don't know much about it but I remember someone saying it was all big and ornate and golden and-." he started to get dreamy eyed so I cut him off before it could get any worse.

"Yeah nice try Razar but there's no way I'm letting you go in there alone, You'll just steal everything! Besides, I have the only key" I said trying to walk him back up the stairs.

"Come on Eris I promise I won't, I'm good for it." He said, pleading for the key.

"Besides, I'm coming back later Razar, maybe I'll let you in if you help you with something." I said.

"Alright what do you need help with?" He said, sounding a lot more agreeable.

"I need to decipher some ancient language written on the walls in there, to do that I need you to help me carry some books from eagle spire back to here. Do that and I'll let you in with me." I said, laying out my task plainly.

"Alright I'll try to help. Better not be an entire bookshelf though." He sighed.

We went into the Chi pool room and saw a strange looking bird that I've never seen before talking to La'Gravis. I walked up to get a closer look at him, he was wearing expensive looking, blue robes with a black trim and was holding a cheap looking metal rod that looked liked he fished it out of the Ravens scrap heap.

La'Gravis then spoke up "Ah, just the person I was about to mention!" He adjusted he position on his throne to turn towards me "Eris, this is a traveler  from abroad looking for an artifact here on Chima. Given the mysterious nature of it I, was wondering if your tribe would happen to have any information on something like that?" He asked.

"I... don't know. I'll have to know more about what who ever this is is looking for and even then I don't know where I would begin on trying to find info on it." I said, feeling a little confused.

After I finished the stranger turned around to introduce himself. "Oh how rude of me, my name is Kyten, a foreigner of these lands and sorcerer." The bird said, the word "sorcerer put me off and made me feel skeptic about him.

Then I saw what he really looked like, he has dark blue feathers with little black streaks in his plumage, the feathers leading up to his head was colored in a smooth gradient to black. He had a kind but tired and somewhat crazed face with a pitch black beak and eyes so green they were almost glowing.

I interrupted him before he could continue. "I can tell, I've never seen a bird like you before. Where are you from?" I asked interested in his strange appearance.

Before he could answer La'Gravis cut in "That's not important, could we get back to business."

"Yes of course, we can talk at a later time. Now what I'm looking for is a sort of wand almost, it looks kinda like the handle to an axe. I can't go in-depth on what it does, only what it looks like." Kyten explained.

"I'll see if we have a book on that. Say me and my friend are actually about to head to my tribe's library, there might be a book for what you're looking for there if you want to come with us?" I asked him.

"Of course." Kyten said.

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