Crazy About You • Lloyd Hansen

Start from the beginning

"Don't grab her like that."

"Oh goodness," you whisper and cover your eyes with the hand Lloyd wasn't grasping.

"The fuck did you just say?" Lloyd twists his face in disgust, "are you cheating on me is that it? With this idiot?" He motions the cashier and your face heats up in embarrassment.

"Lloydy Bear," your brows scrunch up, "stop it."

Lloyd wraps his hand around your arm and basically drags you out of the store, when you look one of his guys was using the card to pay for the lingerie so at least you get to take them home.

You cross your arms like a child when Lloyd pushes you into his all black SUV. You don't respond to any of his questions, or statements or angry comments. Which makes him even more furious with you.

Arriving back to the mansion, you open the door yourself, Lloyd always gets out first and opens it for you. But you were just so done with him today. Why'd he have to freak out on you, and accuse you of cheating?...with the clerk?

He's such a hotheaded sometimes.

"Sunshine get back in the car," Lloyd says with a calm tone as his fierce eyes lock with yours. He was still in the car. But he wanted you to get back in so he could open the door for you - like he always, always does.

"No." You say and shut the car door in his face. You march your feet up the stairs of the mansion, when you hear him get out of the car and slam his door.

"You're being a bad girl, sunshine," Lloyd grabs your arm to twist you around, "you know what happens to bad girls."

That statement may have just made you aware of the reality of the situation, he's not going to let you come, and he's only ever done that one time, and it was awful, you wanted to so badly and he just didn't let you.

"I-I just wanted to go shopping for you! And surprise you." You pout, "but I don't think you would've even cared. Because you don't love me anymore. You don't care about me. You don't call anymore, you don't love me. Say it."

Lloyd's stiff facial expression was all you needed. The no phone calls, or texts, or checking in on you. He used to buy you gifts and baskets while he was away so you wouldn't feel so sad. It's been months since he did that.

You head into the mansion, and head up the stairs to a spare room, because if you headed to his room, he would've tried to get inside, all the way up you cried, the tears falling down your face uncontrollably.

The next couple of days were even worst. Lloyd was here but he wasn't him. He wasn't his usual loving self. Your boyfriend that would cuddle you. Kiss you everywhere. And tell you you were so beautiful. Feed you fruit by the pool.

No, he was just cold. You didn't know who he was. You don't know what was wrong with him.

Either way, him being in the house and slowly feeling him pull away from you made you depressed. You didn't want to eat, you just cried, and cried. You wanted him back. You wanted your Lloydy Bear.

It's been three nights without sleeping with him, without cuddling with him...without making love to him - and you were going crazy.


On the fourth night Lloyd decides to find you after giving you your space, he enters the spare room you've been sleeping in and that's how he finds you passed out near the bed.

You don't even remember how you fainted, you do remember feeling weak, and tired. After that...nothing.

"Sunshine," Lloyd turns you over and gently hits your face, his heart racing, for the first time in his life he's never been this scared, "no, you can't do this to me, Y/n!" He taps your face again to try and wake you.

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