Chapter three.

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Celestina stood there patiently, waiting for an answer as Toto looked through the photos. He didn't know what to say. I sat there, zoning in and out. People were talking, but Celestinas was the loudest.

"Are you fucking serious, Toto?!" She yelled.


I looked up at Celestina. I didn't know what to say at all. What am supposed to say? She started flirting with me first, it's a second nature to flirt back. But I'm not going to say that to her. I looked at the back of the room for Avery and she was packing up her things.

"Answer me, Toto Wolff." Celestina said again. I shook my head.

"What am I supposed to say?" I whispered. People were starting to look at us.

"Why were you flirting with your ex wife?" She whisper yelled. I shook my head again.

"I don't know, Celestina." She scoffed.

"What an excuse. Can't believe she likes an idiot like you." She grabbed Averys phone from my hands and walked to the back of the room. She likes me? She grabbed her things and walked out, trying to catch up to Avery. I put my head in my hands and Lewis and George glanced over at me. I sat up straight and opened my phone. I blocked Susie and dreaded having to sit here for maybe an hour. Maybe I should go talk to her.


I started pacing. Back and forth. Back and forth outside in the corridor. I should have never looked at his phone. My eyes started to water. Why? Don't even like him that much. That's a lie. Celestina rushed out, pissed off.

"He's a prick! He doesn't even know why he was texting her." She paused. "Are you okay?" I stopped walking and turned to her. She set her stuff down and walked up to me. She pulled me into her arms and I cried.

"He fucking sucks.." She nodded. She brushed my hair for a second or two and looked around.

"Fuck off." She snapped.

"Is she crying?" Toto asked.

"Yeah she fucking is. Just go away Toto."

"Avery, I'm so sorry. Let me explain myself please." I pulled away from Celestina and turned to him. I shook my head and covered my face. I don't want to, but I still want to hear what he has to say. He walked closer and I stepped back immediately.

"She texted me first, she was drunk."

"And you texted her back?!" I cut him off.

"I did, that's my mistake. Avery, please let me finish." He looked down at me with pleading eyes. "She was drunk and texted me. She kept bring up our past and was flirting with me. I flirted back and i don't know why I did. It's a bad excuse." He chuckled and rubbed his nose bridge. I looked back at Celestina and she shook her head. I made sure I had everything and grabbed Celestinas stuff. I walked out and Stella ran out after me. Toto walked out and sighed.

"Avery! Please!" I ignored him and kept walking to Celestinas car. I tugged on the door handle and sighed, looking at Celestina she unlocked the car, and I hopped in. I sat in the car and stared out the window. I'm tired of him, of Celestina, of everyone. Celestina got in the car and glanced at me.

"Tell me what you want." Celestina said. I looked at her with a blank stare.

"To be alone. In my apartment. Drinking wine. Dancing to music. Dressed all pretty." I smiled at the last part. Celestina smiled.

"As you wish. I'll take you back to your apartment. Just don't get yourself drunk." I chuckled.

"I won't." The ride back was quiet. It was easy to talk to Celestina, but when I didn't want to talk, I wouldn't. It didn't matter who I was with. I walked into my apartment and sighed, kicking off my shoes. Party time.

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