Chapter two.

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I woke up at 5 am. I turned off the rest of my alarms except my 6:25 alarm. I checked my phone and tapped on the message Toto sent me.

"Wear a skirt or shorts. It's going to be hot out." Thoughful. I smiled and slowly got out of bed. I slipped on my robe and walked over to the closet. I opened one of the draws and pulled out a mid-thigh skirt and a mid-thigh pair of shorts. He said it was going to be hot, so I should go with the shorts. I can move around in them and still be able to do everything I would do if I was wearing pants. I folded the skirt back up and put it back in the drawer. I quickly changed and put my robe back on the bathroom door. I grabbed my makeup bag and decided to do my makeup once I got to the press conference. I was going to be sitting in the back with Celestina and a few other workers, so I wouldn't have to exactly worry about any press members asking me why I was doing my makeup before an important press conference. But I want to look pretty for the cameras. I walked out to the kitchen an decided to have something small for breakfast. A bagel with peanut butter. It was a comfort food. I made it a lot growing up and usually had it for dinner when dad didn't feel like cooking something. I don't have it much now that I'm older. But when I do, it tastes better than the last. I ate quickly and checked the time. 10 minutes. I should probably do my makeup here. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my front door. I walked up to the door, unlocked it, and was surprised by who I saw standing less than two feet away from me.

"Toto.." I whispered. He gave me a soft smile.

"Hi, I uh brought you coffee. The way you order it all the time." He held the cup out to me, and I smiled.

"You're really sweet. You didn't have to do this." I took a sip and smiled again up at Toto. I should just do my makeup in the car. Or maybe just not wear any. He shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, im sorry, how rude of me." I chuckled. "Please come in, take a seat. We have a few minutes before I have to leave." He nodded.

"I'd love to." I stepped aside, and he slid past me. His cologne smells incredible.. I closed the door and turned around to see Toto examining one of my house plants.

"Its aloe vera. It helps with the temperature in the summer. And it helps with burns." I took another sip of the coffee and chuckled. How'd he even know what I get? It's the exact same thing I get.

"I know. I have one in my house. Mine died, but I do not know what I did wrong. It just dropped dead." He chuckled and turned around to face me.

"There's a few things you might have done wrong. Like, not watering it enough or watering too much, not changing the soil or not changing the pot it's in." I crossed my arms and stared back at the tall Austrian. He nodded and walked towards me. He stopped a feet or two away from me and stared down at me.

"You're not wearing any makeup?" I shook my head.

"Not yet." I glanced around.

"Don't put any on yet." He said quickly. "Let me see you natural." It almost sounded like he was begging. Toto Wolff never begged for anything.

"Only for a minute or two..I have to get going." He chuckled.

"We have to get going. We're both going to the same place, dear." I felt the heat rise into my cheeks and turned away. He is married, or was married. I checked the time and glanced back at Toto, who was still staring down at me examining me like I was the plant.

"Separate cars?" I asked and finally made eye contact with him. He shook his head.

"Drive with me, I'm a smooth driver and you will be able to get your makeup done." I smiled. How sweet. He smiled and grabbed my purse from off the chair. I took it from him and made sure I had everything. Keys. I rushed back to my bedroom and grabbed my keys and rushed back out into the kitchen. I grabbed the makeup bag from off the kitchen island and turned to Toto.

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