Alpha School

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"There he is mom." Alexis says as she is walking with Kate, Humphrey and Lily and sees Runt with the Alpha pups.

"I may be small but I'm fearless!" Runt says as he steps forward.

"Hey fearless. You get over here now!" Kate says.

"Oh shoot!" Runt says as he jumps into some grass to hide.

"Runt buddy listen to your mother." Humphrey says.

"Why should I Dad? You never do." Runt says as he walks over.

"Aunt Lily has a fabulous field trip planned for Omega School." Kate says.

"Alphas get to hunt and the Omegas go on trips!" Runt says annoyedly.

"We're to an ecological phenomenon Shadow Forest." Lily says.

"Shadow Forest cool! Isn't that haunted?" Runt asks.

"Just a myth and that was a long time ago." Lily says.

"Did I just hear you say were going to Shadow Forest?" Tony asks as he walks over.

"Yes. I was there yesterday. It's fine. It's filled with life." Alexis says.

"Would Garth like this Lilly?" Tony asks as Winston comes over.

"My husband is on an extended hunting trip. He trusts my judgment." Lily says.

"Well I had a bad experience in there and I've never been back." Tony says.

"When you were supposedly attacked by a ghost at Saw Cave right?" Winston asks.

"Well I haven't seen you going in there lately." Tony says.

"Alexis you're sure it's safe?" Winston asks as he looks at Alexis.

"Of course. Plenty of animals." Alexis says.

"Humphrey is this a good idea?" Kate asks nervously.

"It'll be fine Kate. I'm going with them." Humphrey says.

"Then it's settled. The alphas will be kings of the fields... and the Omegas will be kings of the forest." Winston says.

"Awesome! Dad, Aunt Lilly shall we?" Runt asks excitedly.


"Hi Eve." Humphrey says as he walks in with Runt and Lily.

"Hi Mom." Lily says.

"Oh there you are. Why are you so late? Dinner's gone cold." Eve says.

"Uh Runt had an incident." Humphrey says as everyone sees a shaking Runt.

"Dad I'm fine." Runt says.

"What did you see?" Kate asks as she and Alexis go over.

"Nothing." Runt says as he gets off Humphrey's back.

"You aren't hurt are you?" Alexis asks.

"Something got your fur in a bunch?" Clawdette asks.

"Little Bro you're as pale as a coyote." Stinky says.

"A coyote. Really?" Runt asks.

"Hey did you the critters that the Omegas are the new Kings of the forest?" Stinky asks.

"No but I will tomorrow." Runt says.

"I think a different trip is probably a good idea." Kate says.

"Kate it's not a bad to explore." Humphrey says.

"Yeah. Critters everywhere just like Alexis said." Lily says.

"I have an idea. Let's all go. We can do a hunt. And have a picnic! Wolf attack!" Eve shouts as she wakes Tony and Winston up in a hurry.

"How was the forest?" Tony asks nervously.

"Great except that place has some strange weather patterns." Lily says.

"Windy right?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. Especially up by Saw Cave." Runt says.

"Runt I told you to stay away from that place." Tony says.

"Uncle Tony What happened to you when you there?" Runt asks curiously.

"Don't act like you don't want to tell them your story." Winston says as he looks at Tony.

"I really don't. Well okay. It was a dark and cold night." Tony says.

"And if it's Tony's story it'll be even and colder." Winston says.

There we were. Young wolves like yourselves. We were practicing hunting. On the tail of a prey. It was huge! Antlers sharp as rock. We stalked it across the path. I had to get it. It was my first act as a leader. I was so selfless. It's to get us! And I never went into the forest again." Tony says.

"Okay I think its getting late." Kate says nervously.

"Uh yeah. I agree. Uh pups thank grandma for dinner." Humphrey says.

"Thanks for dinner Grandma." Alexis and the pups say in union.

"Come back for leftovers." Eve says.

"Oh and uh thank Tony for the bedtime horror story." Humphrey says with slight annoyance.

"Thank you for the bedtime horror story!" Alexis and the pups say in union.


"Have fun at the river! Catch a few fish you?" Kate asks as the pups are leaving the den.

"Uh sure thing Mom." Runt says as he leaves with Clawdette and Stinky.

"Alexis where are you going?" Kate asks as she sees Alexis walking out of the cave.

"I'm just going to hunt mom. I haven't been on a solo hunt for a while." Alexis says.

"Okay but be careful and check on your siblings afterwards please. Make sure they are staying out of trouble." Kate says.

"Yes mom." Alexis says as she smiles and leaves.


"Oh when I find those pups they better be alright. They know better than this." Alexis says as she is sniffing around shadow forest after having found the pups lied before hearing screaming and runs toward the sound.

"Stinky!" Runt shouts as Alexis sees the pups and Stinky clinging to a cliff side to avoid falling into a muddy river.

"Runt, Clawdette get back!" Alexis shouts as she runs over.

"Alexis!" Runt and Clawdette shout happily as Alexis cautiously makes her way to Stinky.

"Hold on Stinky! Your older sister's got you." Alexis says as she grabs Stinky and pulls him to safety.

"Thanks Alexis." Stinky says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Are you alright?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. Thanks Alexis." Stinky says.

"Good. Now that I know you're okay... What on Earth were you three thinking!?" Alexis asks angrily.

Seeing With The Heart Alpha And Omega: The Legend Saw Tooth Cave Daria X OC AlexWhere stories live. Discover now