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New york City,1978
A young adult man with short black hair and glasses with a business suit, gold watch on his left wrist and a wedding band on his left ring finger is waiting patiently in an almost empty hospital waiting room.

That Guy waiting patiently is my father Yoon Chul Lee. He Created Simmwoo Coperation, One of the most successful companies in the world. His company focused on education, safety and pharmaceuticals. Books for school his company had it, Pens for teachers he had those, needed a fire extinguisher for a business he had it, needed safety courses he had people for that, antibiotics for hospital he had it. Even the under privilege he made his deals. His companies well liked all over the world. Before he was 30 he was already worth hundreds of Millions helping people all over the world. He eventually moved to New york city Where he met his then wife my mother. His business had expanded to the point where he could handle his affairs from afar. Now here he is Waiting for me and my mother come out of the doors after a hard delivery.

The Hospital doors open with a covered surgeon. Yoon stands up smiling "how's June and Anna?". The doctor sighs taking off his mask "Anna is perfectly healthy"

"And June? The doctor shakes his head

Only I came out of the hospital. It was my dad and I ever since

September 6th, 1996
A now older Yoon is walking with a young shorter woman with long reddish brown hair holding onto small pile of books while she's wearing blue scrubs. "Dad?" The woman looks up at Yoon

"Yes Anna" He looks at her while they walk on the street passing people who give them no mind. "Soo..."

"Sooo..." Yoon laughs "What is it sweetie?" He looks down at her stressed expression on her face looking down at the ground "What's wrong? The internship at the hospital bad? Need me to make a call? I can get you transfered" He gets frantic in his response

I grew up in manhattan New york with my dad. When I was 5 my dad became a billionare. I was able to have a good life in the many penthouses and houses my dad has. I was able to have the best tutors, Best schools even the best doctors. He made sure I had it all. I got into the best school in New york. I wanted to become a doctor. Even from a young age I knew what I wanted to do. With having a dad whose a known public figure. My dad donated to charity and volunteered all over the world as I grew up I picked up on it. Like father like daughter. I've always done things to help whenever I could. Hence also why at 18 I could work at a hospital. My dad made sure I went to the best hospital with the best program and donate a large sum for me to work there and learn at the same time. It's just my dad and I He'd do anything for me.

Anna stops walking looking up at her father "No no no not that" Yoon sighs in relief "Then what's wrong?". Anna sighs as they keep walking "Well... I've been doing some research about this place..."

"You want to move out of New york?" Anna nods "Honey..." He smacks his teeth "That's totally fine. I knew this day would come where you would want to leave the nest. Leaving your dad all alone"

"Dad..." Anna smiles as Yoon Smiles back "I'm kidding honey. So... where do you want to Move too?" They walk toward a building 'Simmwoo Coperation'

"Raccoon City" Anna replies as yoon stops walking looking at Anna with shock on his face "Why would want to move there?" Anna turns around facing him "Well it's new" Anna gulps

"That I Understand but you want to move there by Umbrella?" He asks

Anna scoffs "Dad" She shakes her head "I know they're your competors but-" Yoon Interupts her "You want to move there by yourself down there in a place where nobody knows anything. It's not just my competors-"

Anna interupts Yoon "Well I know alot actually"

"What?" His eyes widen

"Well Right now they're having a few problems and I think I'd be an asset down there" Yoon looks down with a disapproving look  before up again "What type of asset?"

"The Orphange down there is a mess very under funded, there's too many run aways and kids getting sick. They don't have the money plus there's not enough doctors. It's all under funded and under staffed un every department"

"oh my god" He looks up very stressed out "Your like your mother sometimes"

"Isn't that a good thing"

"yes but" he sighs looking down "your just like your mother which means I can't stop you either whatever she wanted to do she did"

"Is that a yes to raccoon City?" Anna smiles looking at him

Yoon sighs "You need to be in constant communication with me and please" He touches her shoulder "Please be careful especially with Umbrella they're very public"

Anna squeals "Yay I promise!" She hugs Yoon "Don't worry dad you can trust me"

Two Years Later - September 20th 1998
After I came to Raccoon city I started working for the RPD and for the orphanage. They created a branch called STARS. When that was created I became a medic for the whole RPD but a backup medic for STARS. I try to stay out of the action and I did on the right night. The spencer mansion incident, who could forget almost everyone died up there. The people who did come back had stories but after that they had to be disbanded. A friend of mine Jill valentine was fired for looking into the incident. I don't know what went on up there but I know Chris redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, brad vickers and Rebecca chambers aren't crazy. I try to distract myself about what happen up there I just know Captain Wesker and the others went through something before they died. Everything was fine and normal till that incident. I spent less time at the RPD on the behalf of chief Irons. Whatever happened between him and the members of stars I got pulled into it. I make the most of my time with the kids at the orphanage now. They've been alot sicker lately at the orphange it's for the best anyways. My helps needed elsewhere

Anna's walking on the almost empty street wearing a pale pink gray and white flannel buttoned all the way up with black skinny jeans with black suede ankle boots holding a envelope

There's been a sickness going around in raccoon City. It's either riots or it's empty. I know my dad knows what's going on but I don't worry him.

Anna smiles handing the woman over the post office desk the envelope addressed to her father "Have a good day" Anna walks off as the woman says "Be careful outside" Anna smiles softly before going outside

Time skip
Anna lays down on her small bed and sighs smiling before falling asleep

That was the last time I would ever have a normal sleep

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