Chapter 1

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(sorry for the long intro)

y/n's pov

I currently live at the maverick hunter HQ. I joined them recently because I believe humans and reploids both deserve to be at peace. Obviously as the name "maverick hunters" states, we are at war with the Mavericks. Today is my first day of training. I want to be just like Zero and X, who are some of the strongest hunters. Word gets around very quickly, especially to the newcomers. I've actually seen them before, of course it was just seeing them leaving for a mission, I've never talked to them. I admire how hard they work, but something catches my eye about Zero. The one time I saw him, I felt... weird. In a good way. I hope one day we can fight side to side. But for now I have to get stronger. The first weapon I try is a buster, because sabers take more skill and knowledge. I go and do a training simulation. Doing the easy difficulty, I manage to score a 79%. It's not great, but then again it is my first time ever so it's not bad either. I decide to train all day. By the end of the day I was able to get a 84% on a normal difficulty. I feel exhausted after the long day, so I head back to my room to get some rest.

(Time skip to the next day)

I head to the training room to try out the buster again. I was worried I would loose skill overnight, but I managed to score and 86% on normal difficulty, my highest score. The training rooms usually have a lot of people, but no one was in this one. Maybe they were in other one? I continue training when I hear someone come in. I look over my shoulder and see that it's Zero!
"Hello there, are you new to HQ?" Zero asks.
"Oh, hi! I am... somewhat new. I've been living here for around a week but I started my training yesterday." I say. "My name is Y/N"
"Y/N, huh? Nice name. My name is Zero, if you didn't already know. I remember when I first started training." Zero said. "Hey, if you want, I can actually help you train. I'm not really busy today."
"Seriously? That would be awesome, thank you!" I respond back.
"Of course. I'm happy to see other people are willing to fight for peace. Plus, it would be pretty cool if I had my own apprentice" Zero said, winking. I couldn't help but smile.
"Now, go through the simulation again. I'll watch you and see if I can give pointers after." Zero said. I nodded and started the simulation again. I was a bit nervous thinking about how Zero was watching, but I managed to score a 87%.
"Hey, not bad! Especially since you started yesterday. There's one part I can help you with though." Zero starts the simulation again and then pauses it on a certain enemy. He walks up behind me and puts his hands on both of my arms. "Now, you want to angle them up like this" Zero says, moving my arms. It was hard to focus with him being this close. I could feel the warmth of his body, it felt really nice.
"Every enemy has a weak point, you'll want to find that. In this case, you want to find an open spot in the armor, or a spot where you can break the armor." Zero said, still holding my arms. I looked at him and nodded. He could tell how flustered I was and just smiled before taking his arms off of me.
"Now, try that again and see if it helps." Zero said. I restarted the simulation and was able to get a 94%.
"Nice work! That's a huge improvement. I know you'll make me proud." Zero said, giving me a fist bump.
"Thanks Zero, I couldn't have done it without your help." I say.
"Happy to help. Meet me back at the same spot tomorrow and we will try to 100% the normal difficulty. And good job today. You'll be one of the bests in no time." Zero said, then smiled at me. I felt all warm inside. I told him thanks before walking back to my room. I can't believe that just happened! I'm Zero's apprentice, and I'm improving quick! Plus, Zero thinks I'm good! I am beyond excited for tomorrow, so I immediately go to my bed to get some rest.

(Hi sorry if this isn't the greatest, this is my first time writing ^^' if you guys want more chapters let me know, esp if you have suggestions!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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